Why was Jesus condemned to be crucified shamefully with such intensity of hatred by the ruling class even after His many good deeds and a murderous criminal freed in His stead?

He wasn't part of the religious elite or ecclesiastical clique. Who was he to speak when the ordained priests were speaking? By whose authority was he teaching and doing what he was teaching and doing?

He was making more authentic impact. He was different. His message of truth was a threat to their dishonest schemes for power and profit.

He was well known to be the son of an ordinary carpenter, and they also knew his mother too well but there he was claiming to be son of God. He obviously didn't command a lot of respect. Plus the thronging masses who were beneficiaries of his loving, graceful touch were confused about the situation and unsure about him. Perhaps he was a loose cannon. Perhaps the rulers were right. Obviously, the doctors of the law should know better as certified professionals. Perhaps he was one of those would-be prophets, a half-baked rabbi, springing out from nowhere, claiming messiah. (Thank God some of us were not alive in Jesus' day; we would have treated him badly, no less than the Pharisees and Saducees). And by the way, lest we forget, where's he from again? Heck, can anything good come out of Nazareth?

Envy. Prejudice. Unknown pedigree. Questionable authority. Game changer. Truth teller.

Lessons: Being good may not guarantee social acceptance if you're not part of the power team or elitist clique. A murderer would quickly be chosen over a good man. Who goodness epp? Na truth we go chop?

More lessons: It's not about what is said. It's about who says it. We'll rather follow our favorite and famous preacher to hell even when we know what he's teaching isn't Scriptural than follow an unpopular preacher of truth to Heaven. It's called hero worship, the worship of man. Yes, and we will worship a golden calf as long as it makes us happy, and we can sing and dance and make merriment. Let's eat and drink today for tomorrow we die. No time. It's called idol worship, idolatry, shortsightedness. And if you care to look very well, and you're honest enough, you'll discover and admit that it's the money not the message that is commanding the respect and attention of carnal men. It's gold not God. Have we built for ourselves another golden calf, the dual symbol of success (gold) and slavery (calf)?

Graphic pictorial: Jesus died naked on a tree. Outside the city gates. Condemned criminal. Complete shame. Use your imagination. It was messy. It was gross. That Cross!

But it was not over. There was resurrection morning. The end justifies the process. There will be an end. Keep walking. Selah (see-la).

#HistoryLessons #CaseClosed #Selah


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