Be not deceived. The purpose of life is not to eat, drink, make money, become famous, and acquire lots and lots of material things. 

All birds, animals and organisms eat but that's not really their purpose; some are food, nourishment or other essential biological processes for humans and other aspects of creation, some are scavengers necessary for decomposition, albeit some are 'wild' and reserved for largely uninhabited places. 

The trees derive nourishment from Nature (soil, water and sunlight) but that's not necessarily their purpose; some are for food, nourishment, medicine, shelter, clothing, and many other very useful purposes for human activity as for the benefit of other living creatures. 

Humans need the good things of life for our physical and psychological wellbeing and sustenance but that's not the purpose of our lives. 

The purpose of life is to do the Will of God and be what He wants us to be, which is to be conformed to the Image of Christ. 

Success is not the acquisition of material things. 

Success is the fulfillment of God's purpose. 

Be not deceived. Readjust the internal compass of your heart, while there is time. 

It's not about how we started, it's about how we end this life. Realign your consciousness to God's ideals, as clearly written in The Sacred Scripture. 

The Blueprint is in the Bible

Study it sincerely for yourself. And when you pray, don't say religious prayers but just talk to God from your heart as the most loving Father that He is. 

God created us for a reason. We're not purposeless. 

We're Designer's original. Our design and operational manual is the Word of God. 

We were "created in His image and after His likeness". "We were created for His pleasure", to be like Him and to do His Will. May our lives be pleasing in His sight. 

He made us, we didn't make ourselves. We belong to Him. "We are the sheep of His pasture", and He is the Shepherd of our souls. He is our Father, we are His children. 

Come back to Him, if you've strayed as a prodigal child. He will completely forgive and restore you to Himself. 

If you're in Him, determine to know Him more and build a stronger relationship with Him. He knows what's best for us. His Will is the best thing we can ever do. For God is good. God is love. God is holy

May we perceive and pursue "the beauty of His holiness" and the awesomeness and attractiveness of Divine distinction in perfect righteousness. 

May we seek first His kingdom, lordship, governance, dominion, and His righteousness (His ways of doing things: being right and doing right). 

This is His will. It's all in His Word. Selah!


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