A lot of people are looking for relief and solutions to their problems in different places, people and things. Tons of business-minded people are also promising and promoting different remedies to the different maladies and plights of humanity, usually for a small fee, fact being that the bills have to be paid. Reality check. We can all relate to this.
Really, there's nothing wrong with this and everything is right with trying to solve problems by creating, offering or providing value to the target 'customer' or 'client' as clearly identified and being duly rewarded by the 'market'. But you see, different situations are exploited differently by different people as different options are being explored. Little wonder as, very sadly, even religion has become commercialized and spiritual gifts, God's calling or the anointing have been monetized, from being properly packaged as professional trades and sold as marketplace merchandise, by clever economic profiteers. Perhaps, the expert salesperson works doggedly to create and perpetuate the imagery of need in clientele and in the market with the intention of sustaining the business by subtle soliciting.
What now? Lots of presumptions, perspectives, reports, claims and counter claims create different scenarios of existence and different interpretations or perceptions of reality. Different stages of maturity and understanding. Different supernatural and human capacities. And life goes on. Until it doesn't. All we all answer the great call and stand before the great Judge. Then to meet face to face with only one version of truth and reality. The true version.
So, at the end of the day, what is the critical truth? We need God. The true God. An encounter with the true God. A true encounter. Not playing church or rocking our latest wears and gears in "church" as we call it and know it to be. No, we need to seek God more than we seek money, self expression and social relevance. Much more than we need a counselor or therapist, we need God. Alas, broken and lost humanity "goes to church" looking all pretty but we do not seek God. There's little depth, authenticity, humility, brokenness, openness and vulnerability that lead to soul restoration, heart transformation, peace and power with God. This changes everything and is largely missing. That inner experience that stops us dead in our tracks on the path to destruction and fetches us from the pit of despondency.
Jesus is the real Solution to the hurting souls of broken men and women. Jesus is the only Hope for lost humanity. Without Him, we are totally lost and can do nothing. Without Him, a person is blind and groping in deep darkness and blackness of heart and soul. Jesus is the Healer and Restorer of the broken and lost. Praise God!
So? Let's stop all the games. Let's come to our senses like the prodigal. Let's agree that we're lost and need the Lord. Let's stop the wild goose chase and mad pursuit for passing pleasures, fading fame and so-called success as they world defines and teaches. Let's pursue an authentic personal relationship with the Lord. That's the real deal. That's the real solution.
Grace to all.


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