If you really like or love a person, take the time to show them that you do. Then give them time to show you that they like you equally. Don't stampede them into a relationship. That shows that you have self respect and that you respect them too.

If they are forthcoming, that's awesome. Go for it. If they're not, that's also great. You should be grateful they're authentic. They're honest, sane, considerate, kind and noble enough not to take undue advantage of your love for them to make minced meat out of you by playing along when they know they won't be there for you for the long hull but will simply use you for their selfish interests only to abandon you later; an intentional act of wickedness some people perpetuate!
Make such an authentic person a good, platonic friend. And who knows, maybe through them if not with them, you may meet your mutually-connecting amazing dream relationship. Don't be shortsighted, negative and doubting. Don't have a scarcity mentality about meeting the right person. Develop an abundance mentality. And don't you spite and discredit them because they are not into you. They probably can see where it will end and have just saved you yet another heartbreak. They probably can see more clearly than you do that you both have significant variance in value system and direction in life enough to ground or jettison a lifelong commitment. And they're probably more sincere, psychologically mature or emotionally stable than you are at the moment.
Take it in good faith with nobility of heart and strength of character. Cry, if you must. But never let the root of bitterness foul your soul. Stay pure in heart. Open your heart to possibilities. Fact is, who you really are will show during those challenging times. Whether you're a good person on the inside or not. Whether you're slanderous or loyal. Whether you deserved the authentic one in the first place or whether you're just a convenient, dishonest or self-serving opportunist.
Finally, whatever you say or do are the very seeds that will create a harvest for your future experiences. Sow the right seeds.


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