A person who judges before they know the facts may lack sufficient or significant social intelligence. And that goes for both good and bad judgement. A person who doesn't know to identify and manage different types of people may be low on emotional intelligence.

Knowledge is different from intelligence. Knowledge is acquired information. Intelligence is inbuilt capacity. Don't go for people with knowledge only. That can be gotten from a class, book or experience. Learn to identify innate emotional and social intelligence in people. That's a priceless treasure not taught or read up.

Intelligence is like the engine of an automobile; it has a built-in design capacity. Knowledge may be likened to the volume of gasoline or auto fuel in the fuel tank and in extra cans. Intelligence always has knowledge and knows what critical knowledge is sufficient to run efficiently. Acquiring superfluous knowledge is like having extra cans of whatever type of fuel for road show to impress bystanders or for contingency but without making sure of having a functional and robust engine that can perform at full or optimal capacity.

Intelligence is superior to knowledge. Knowledge is potential power. But intelligence is akin to wisdom, character and the administration of knowledge. Knowledge without intelligence can create an expert nuisance or an unintelligent expert. There are a lot more people with vast knowledge but miniature native intelligence. So, don't just acquire knowledge, build indigenous and intrinsic capacity!


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