A young lady should marry a man she admires, respects and can easily submit to. It's not every man she can respect in this way. For a woman, she shouldn't just marry a man she likes or loves but one who she respects and won't find it hard listening to and deferring to, gladly, genuinely and from her heart.
Conversely, a man should marry a lady he truly cares about, cherishes, adores, loves, is attracted to and has a heart to nurture, give to, sacrifice for, take care of, protect and provide for. Don't compromise these fundamental requirements. Don't settle for less. Don't be pressured into a sub-optimal union or unwholesome yoke. Be true to yourself, and don't deceive anyone. Getting married is not an achievement. Having kids is not amassing trophies.
Marriage is a functional covenant that requires wholehearted commitment as well as sound and honest evaluation. You don't enter into covenant with just anyone or under duress because someone is pestering you to get married to them or someone thinks it's high time you got married. It's your decision to make, and you'll live to bear it, to enjoy it or to regret it. So think soundly about your decision. Plus, children are human beings with unique destinies who you are bringing into this world unsolicited, and you should have a plan to take good care of them before you bring them on the scene, so they don't have to suffer from your carelessness and recklessness.
Love and respect are powerful and preliminary pointers to marital prospects. Then you can start the work that is necessary to build a great marital relationship.
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