People fight God. People insult God. People persecute God. People hurt God. They do these without knowing they are. They do it without spiritual awareness. They presume they're fighting their fellow man. They do it blinded by their emotions of anger, hatred, bitterness, pride, conceit, revenge and the like, until it's too late. They do it not realizing or reckoning with the deeper implications and long-term consequences. 

That's why Jesus prayed for those who discredited and crucified him: "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING." Whatever you do, make sure you're not fighting God when you think you're fighting a man. Jesus said: "WHATSOEVER YOU DO TO THE LEAST OF MY BRETHREN, SO YOU DO UNTO ME." If you're not doubly sure about a situation, don't let anyone persuade and deceive you with subtlety, tact and nice-sounding words to betray or join in a conspiracy against a child of God. God says categorically: "WHOEVER TOUCHES YOU, TOUCHES THE APPLE OF MY EYES." And He issues a warning to Pharaoh: "TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED AND DO MY PROPHET NO HARM." 

Some people take laws into their hands. Some people pervert justice and manipulate truth. Some people take delight in oppressing the weak. Some people never forgive and never ask for forgiveness. God definitely has His people as the devil also has his people; and they are both distinctively well-marked. Don't be deceived by people who paint others black to discredit and attack them because they think they have the legal backing and wherewithal. Some people are evil, manipulative, cunning and vengeful. A person who fears God must never be afraid of the wicked. Any one who fights the just is fighting God. Anyone who persecutes or tries to frustrate a child of God is kicking against the goads and, like Saul of Tarsus, he is actually persecuting Jesus Christ Himself. This is very grievous. "IT IS A FEARFUL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD." Saul did his in ignorance and religious zeal, and was forgiven but had to suffer many things, as a consequence, even as an apostle of Christ, for God is a just rewarder of all men. 

As a universal principle, we reap what we sow. There's mercy and forgiveness in Christ for sins. But we must never team up with Satan, knowingly or unknowingly, to attack a child of the Most High God. Jesus clearly stated: "OFFENCES SHALL COME BUT WOE TO HIM BY WHOM THEY SHALL COME. God doesn't take such lightly. 

When David stood against the giant Goliath, he knew he had no chance in his own strength against the formidable enemy. However, he also knew it was the Lord of Hosts that the giant had defied by coming against God's covenant people. Whenever you are in such a situation, learn to take yourself out of the equation. Let God fight for you. "THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S!" No one can stand Jehovah Sabaoth, the God of war! 

If you are a true child of God, then do what Jesus said: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BE GOOD TO THEM, PRAY FOR THEM, BLESS THEM. Apologize if you have offended them, whether they accept it or not. Seek peace and reconciliation. "FOLLOW PEACE WITH ALL MEN AND HOLINESS, WITHOUT WHICH NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD." Honor God in your actions. Seek forgiveness and restoration, if you have erred in any way. Forgive them as you have also been forgiven. "ALLOW YOURSELVES TO BE DEFRAUDED." It's not being nice. It's being spiritually wise and having the fear of God. Indeed, the reverential fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but fools utterly despise good judgment. 

Then turn the battle over to God. "IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US." Let God give the judgment call. God is the ultimate judge and avenger of all, both spirit and flesh. "AVENGE NOT YOURSELVES. VENGEANCE IS MINE, SAYS THE LORD. I WILL REPAY!" 

God always gives a window of grace for men to turn from their wicked ways before His judgment. We must never be fooled into thinking He is weak, incapable or laid back because He is silent, "AS SOME MEN COUNT SLACKNESS; BUT IS LONG-SUFFERING TOWARDS US, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT COME TO REPENTANCE."


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