Do we have genuine connections?

I’ll give a quick definition of the word supplant.

So I can dwell more on the concept of support.

To supplant means to take the place of, to displace, to replace or to undermine. 

To support is to be actively interested in and concerned for the success of a person or thing, for example: supporting a particular sports team.

It also means to provide assistance to, or give approval, comfort, or encouragement to. 

It is a product of goodwill and belief in someone or something. 

Many of us support different football teams which we gladly and passionately refer to as “our teams”.

Observe the enthusiasm, excitement and in some cases excessive zeal or fanaticism with which we promote, defend and celebrate people who do we not personally know, or an enterprise from which we may not even earn a single penny or cent—except for those who are into sports betting. 

That’s the power of connection.

That’s the power of camaraderie.

That’s the power of competition.

That’s the power of promotion.

That’s the power of conviction.

That’s the power of emotion.

It’s the power in entertainment.

It’s also about the survival of the fittest.

Fans base, followership clan, ideological tribes and support groups rallying around a person, project, idea or ideal can be acutely emotive and productive—stimulating strong sentiments and compelling ambitious, assertive or aggressive action from and cohesion between people from all walks of life with different ideological leanings or belief systems.

As a fact, to thrive in our spiritual and physical wellbeing, we need relevant support systems. 

Some people in our space are only there to supplant not support. We need to be aware of this.

We need to foster camaraderie by and promoting the value of or need for cooperation and corroboration within our connections and communities.

Otherwise there will be snitching, slandering, betraying, unhealthy competition, pretended niceness and false friendships who work against each other behind each other’s backs.

People who interface, interact, live or work together should support each other with their work and lives. 

Our presence should add some form of value and make meaningful impact in the lives of those around us, especially those close to us. 

We should be intentional about our input and interactions. 

We need to be building healthy and mutually beneficial support systems with those with whom we share values and interests.

We should not be those who only receive to go replicate or worse still replace but we must learn the need and value of shared responsibility, shared experiences, authentic connection, mutual impact, proactive feedback, genuine appreciation and open communication.

Genuine connections suppprt each other in different possible wholesome ways.

Do you have genuine connections?

How do you intend to build or sustain them?

Enjoying or enduring your connections?

Best wishes to us in this life component. 


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