God is always looking for ways to bless us, empower us, guide us, help us, forgive us and restore us to Himself.
He knows how to bless His people with incredible blessings of different sorts and various kinds. Matter of fact, He blesses everyone, both sinners and saints. He gives His rain, sun and numerous other default and custom benefits and blessings freely to all, the just and the unjust.
But being a true Father, His children have access to certain exclusive privileges. He will go to lengths to preserve, protect, bless and increase His people beyond measures, material and otherwise. He has a special covenant with His people which is fully functional and multifaceted, going beyond what we can ever ask or imagine. For God is not a man subject to lies and limitations.
However, God's people must not become so worked up, focused on, preoccupied by and ultimately distracted by the blessings so much so that we lose God Himself. Many have become distracted and sidetracked by the divers blessings.
We must set our sights on Him completely and prioritize our relationship with Him. We must focus on things above and pursue His kingdom, His will, His ways, His righteousness. We must be grateful and faithful with little. We must grow the capacity over time to manage much more. We must love Him above all else. Then, all these blessings will be added to us. And even then, our focus must remain on God Himself and not on His blessings.
You don't marry a person you don't love just because they have material things to give to you. And so, we don't serve or worship God just because of the blessings we can get from Him. By Himself, He is completely worthy of all our adoration and allegiance, blessing or no blessing. But remember, the Father knows that we need the things necessary for life here on Earth. He is the Lord our Provider, source of our every blessing. Praise be to His matchless Name! Amen.
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