Love is not a helpless feeling. 

Love is a selfless choice.

Love is not infatuation. Love involves heart and mind. Love requires psychological maturity. Love is tough. Love is resilient. Love is not weak. Love is meek. Love is authentic. Love is honest. Love is positive. Love is never negative. Love is always gracious and good. Love is deeply respectful. Love honors. Love is true loyalty. 

Love does no harm. Love doesn't get even. Love never despises. Love never badmouths. Love never blackmails. Love is never vengeful. Love forgives. Love does not seek to get. Love seeks to give. 

Love never attacks because it did not acquire. Love never condemns what it does not connect with. Love is never spiteful. 

Love is benevolent. Love is helpful. Love is serving. Love is sacrificial. Love communicates. Love is true. Love is loyal. Love is spiritual. Love is not mystical. Love is constant. Love is not fickle. Love is beyond a feeling. Love is committed. Love is accountable. Love is wise. Love is not foolish. 

Love never lies. Love is wholesome. Love believes. Love is a blessing. Love is never a curse. Love grieves. Love loses. Love is gentle. Love is kind. Love is pure. Love is patient. Love always survives. Love never fails. Love never dies.

Before you say you love a person, think again. Perhaps, you simply mean you have "feelings" for them. Maybe some emotional affinity. Some strong physical and psychological attraction. That's okay. But that's different from "love".


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