Marital unfaithfulness is not limited to sleeping with a person that one is not married to; it also includes not sleeping with the person that one is married to.
In other words, denying one's spouse sex is as grievous and evil in God's sight as having sex with a non-spouse. Both sins must be repented of or will receive God's judgment.
Sex denial, like spousal divorce, is a breach of the marriage covenant, a disregard for the sacredness of the nuptial bond and a trigger for sexual immorality. The Bible calls it fraud, which means, swindling, criminal deception and cheating.
Sex denial in marriage is cheating, as is extramarital sex.
Sex denial in marriage is a sophisticated and subtle form of sexual immorality. Immorality means wickedness or the state of being immoral, that is, of not conforming to the standards of morality.
Sex denial is the other face of the marital unfaithfulness; the other and well-known face being extramarital sex. Every genuine Christian who is bound in marital union to a spouse must avoid these two forms of marital unfaithfulness or sexual immorality.
Utmost loyalty, genuineness and faithfulness are required of covenant partners. DIVORCE is a serious violation of this sacred vow. DEATH is the legitimate and natural dissolution of the marriage bond. However, a willful and complete DEPARTURE of one of the partners also negates the bond and disconnects the union, leading to its authorized albeit unnatural dissolution.
Marriage must be mutual and voluntary, not forced or coerced. Effective partnerships require shared participation. True covenants require mutual cooperation and commitment of the participating parties.

Marriage is a solemn and exclusive promise or oath to be committed as a lifetime trusted and suitable companion to a person of one's own choosing and freewill.
There is sexual immorality both in marriage and outside marriage. Sexual immorality in marriage includes sex denial as well as extramarital sex. It is the sexual betrayal of one's spouse and includes all forms of sexual infidelity, violation of the marital vows, and marital unfaithfulness.
Fornication refers to any form of illicit, unnatural or unlawful sex including extramarital sex. It is a permissible ground for dissolution of marriage or divorce. Love, mercy and forgiveness, however, can overrule and cover a multitude of sins.
To reiterate and paraphrase, all fornication and adultery is sexual immorality, which in the context of marriage is marital unfaithfulness. But not all sexual immorality in marriage (or marital unfaithfulness) is fornication and adultery. There is a part of sexual immorality in marriage (or marital unfaithfulness) that is sex denial; this is a subtle but lethal form of sexual infidelity or sexual betrayal without the introduction of fornication.


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