The grace of God is indeed amazing! It assures us that God loves us and He will never turn back anyone who comes to Him, no matter how far gone and sinful we have been. God's grace is to be completely trusted as He is not willing that any should perish, hence His obvious widespread leniency and apparently indefinite long-suffering for lost mankind. He will completely forgive us of every sin. He will restore every sinner who repents and returns to Him. He will enable and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live holy and godly lives that are well pleasing in His sight. Such is the nature of the true grace of God.
However, God's grace will never encourage us to continue in sin. Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. The grace of God that has appeared to us brings salvation and teaches, inspires, admonishes and empowers us to deny every form of ungodliness and worldly lust so we may live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world, in readiness for the world that is to come, looking for the blessed hope and coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Glory! What absolutely awesome and amazing grace!
But any 'grace' that doesn't lead to godliness rather to more ungodliness is erroneous, false and demonically inspired. Beware of false teaching. Be not deceived. Satan is on the loose these last days, (the real arch enemy of man's soul desirous that mankind, who are the objects of God's rich love, lose out on the eternal glories prepared for us by our God and Father of love and grace, to take part in the eternal damnation prepared for the evil one and his cohorts); thus, slippery, sly and seducing spirits have been sent forth to keep men comfortable in corruption, deluded in destruction, partakers in perdition, preoccupied with the present and oblivious of the obvious. We must understand the times and keep eternity in full view. We have no continuing city here. At best, we're here on assignment, to fulfill a mission. It's a timed phase of existence, here, for all.
Do not be deceived! You may gamble with the stock market but never gamble with your salvation. Better eternally safe than eternally sorry. Selah! Selah! Selah!
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