
Showing posts from October, 2016


Today. Third Facebook account. First two shut down as prompted. Thousands of contacts extinguished. Private page. Public pages. Groups. Likes. Shares. Comments. Given up. Future. Wondering what would become of this. Strictly His call. Boss. Space-lord. Cyber and beyond. Building no personal empires. Not desirous of brand or band. Name and fame, irrelevant. Is there not a cause? Indeed, a greater cause. Call. Every day is a blessing. Every breath a gift. Every sight an honor. Each ticking time is timeless. An opportunity slowly passing. Or, fast fading like a vapor. Departure. Mercy, mercy, dear God!  Commissioned by fire! No intellectual decode. Deciphered by heart. No, not a rookie, not this. Yes, didn't start today. Many reasons to bloat. But nothing means anything. And anything means nothing. Count all but dung. That I might win Him. Laying every Isaac on the altar. Again and again and again. Starting all over at His bidding. Tough call. Nevertheless at Your word....




The grace of God is indeed amazing! It assures us that God loves us and He will never turn back anyone who comes to Him, no matter how far gone and sinful we have been. God's grace is to be completely trusted as He is not willing that any should perish, hence His obvious widespread leniency and apparently indefinite long-suffering for lost mankind. He will completely forgive us of every sin. He will restore every sinner who repents and returns to Him. He will  enable and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live holy and godly lives that are well pleasing in His sight. Such is the nature of the true grace of God.  However, God's grace will never encourage us to continue in sin. Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. The grace of God that has appeared to us brings salvation and teaches, inspires, admonishes and empowers us to deny every form of ungodliness and worldly lust so we may live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world, in readiness...


God is always looking for ways to bless us, empower us, guide us, help us, forgive us and restore us to Himself.   He knows how to bless His people with incredible blessings of different sorts and various kinds. Matter of fact, He blesses everyone, both sinners and saints. He gives His rain, sun and numerous other default and custom benefits and blessings freely to all, the just and the unjust.  But being a true Father, His children have access to certain exclusive privileges. H e will go to lengths to preserve, protect, bless and increase His people beyond measures, material and otherwise. He has a special covenant with His people which is fully functional and multifaceted, going beyond what we can ever ask or imagine. For God is not a man subject to lies and limitations .  However, God's people must not become so worked up, focused on, preoccupied by and ultimately distracted by the blessings so much so that we lose God Himself. Many have become...


Be not deceived . The purpose of life is not to eat, drink, make money, become famous, and acquire lots and lots of material things.  All birds, animals and organisms eat but that's not really their purpose; some are food, nourishment or other essential biological processes for humans and other aspects of creation, some are scavengers necessary for decomposition, albeit some are 'wild' and reserved for largely uninhabited places.  The trees derive nourishment from Nature (soil, water and sunlight) but that's not necessarily their purpose; some are for food, nourishment, medicine, shelter, clothing, and many other very useful purposes for human activity as for the benefit of other living creatures.  Humans need the good things of life for our physical and psychological wellbeing and sustenance but that's not the purpose of our lives.  The purpose of life is to do the Will of God and be what He wants us to be, which is to be conformed to the Image of Christ.  Su...


We decide who we listen to, where we go to, who we associate with, what we do, how we live, et cetera . It's our God-given right and privilege. We must not let others supplant our free will, not even in the guise of religion, because God will not even do that. He instructs us or leads us on what to do and we reap the consequences of our choice to obey or disobey. So, even if we follow anyone, it must be because we know they can and will lead us aright, or we ar e directed by God to do so, assuming we have submitted our wills to the will of God. But we should never be forced or coerced against our wills.  On the flip side, this awesome right brings with it enormous responsibility. It's a tremendous power that we must be responsible and mature enough to handle. We must have developed the capacity to wield it responsibly. Because we will be judged according to the choices we make, good or bad.  Truth be told, the freer we are externally or from others, the more under ...


Many people will tell you to "just act" when God may want you to "just wait". But you can't know what He is saying unless you're listening to Him. You won't hear Him if the constant buzz of society is louder than the gentle nudge of the Spirit. Motivation is momentum. It gets you going on and on to achieve all you set out to achieve, irrespective of what it is. Yes, you can do anything you want to do and be anything you want to be. But should you, just because you can? Just anything? The word "motivate" means to prompt, drive, move, stimulate, activate, propel or persuade someone or something. It is sometimes used interchangeably with the word "inspire". However, the word inspire comes from the root words "in spirit". It implies something deeper. It means to arouse, awaken, enliven, ignite, induce, invigorate, trigger, kindle, cause, impart, instill, produce, birth, create, generate or motivate from within. It includes ...


I don't think it is fair, just or right to leave ladies out of taking part in family inheritance. I understand that it may not be feasible to make them direct physical heirs of fixed assets such as communally sited lands, property or other proprietary real estate due to the fact that they would likely get married and be maritally migrated out of original fatherland into a completely new lineage and heritage.  However, consideration sho uld be given as to what assets and property can be moved or monetized, so women can be coheirs in some respect. I think it is injustice to rule them out completely. I understand this evil trend even affects wives in some cultures after they lose their husbands; cultures that are abrasive, inhumane and insensitive to the plight of widows.  Well, there have been certain speculations and well-worded justifications for such ill treatment pointing to possible involvement and indictment of the wife in the demise of her husband. But is that r...


  Here's some insight on perception (the way we see ourselves, others, issues, situations or life in general) and its direct relationship with how we communicate. Now the critical element for me is how our perceptions about ourselves and about others are formed (although it is typically an unconscious process). But perhaps we can be more conscious or self aware of this and begin to ask ourselves prodding questions such as: "Why am I thinking this way? Why do I feel this way about this issue? Am I interpreting or have I interpreted a person's words or actions wrongly, different from what it really could mean? Am I mistaken? Is this the fact or my interpretation of the fact? Why do I think this is the fact? Have I considered other possible scenarios? Can I listen to other viewpoints to identify any blind spots I may be having on this issue? Am I being blinded by an emotion such as anger, pride or fear? Is there a trusted person whose opinions and insights I can ask...


You and I are not the judges of the Earth. We are responsible for our own selves and maybe our dependants. We should do our bit. We should do the the right thing. But we should let people be accountable for their actions.  We can advise, help and support people the best we can, as they give us access to their personal space. But we must never invade and thus violate people's privacy against their wills. Let each man choose for himself what he will perpetuate in his lifetime.  We must also learn that we don't fight for God. He is not a carved image or idol that needs to be carried about and defended. He can fight for himself and he will certainly do a far better job. Even more, He is our defense and vindication. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord, I will repay. We must rest assured that no matter how long and strong the falsehood, truth will always ultimately prevail. The universal law of sowing and reaping will have its full course. The law has been set by Almighty Creator....


Said a wise one to me today: "Pretty is on the outside. Beauty is on the inside." I see. One may be pretty as a pie. But a pie is defined and enjoyed by its contents or composition.  The stuff with which we make it and the things we stuff inside it give the pie its description and value proposition.  Chicken, fish or meat pie.  Maybe, fruit, vegetable or whatever pie it is. Whether it's a flat, folded, swollen, contoured or pot pie. You're pretty. I know. I am too.  Everyone can readily see this from afar.  Sitting pretty in your shelf, behind the protective glass, the sight of you beckons on human appetite.  More importantly, you are beautiful too. This - the generous nourishment and tasty, healthy goodness - is the blessing deal.  The comeback factor. The retention package. The real finders keepers exhilaration. The true and sustainable attraction.  Pretty container. Beautiful content. But pity the one who is neither pretty nor beautiful....


They said we should be ourselves. That we should not be afraid to be different. They asked us to be true to our own selves, our ideals, our dreams, our aspirations, our true and higher selves. We did. Then, they complained that we're trying to be noticed. That we're too strong, too weak, too loud, quiet, too smart, too dull, too nice, too nasty, too beautiful, too ugly, too bold, too shy, too tall, too short, too fair, too dark, too happy, too sad, too big,  too small, too fast, too slow, too good, too bad. That we're just too different! But, no, we were not trying to be different. And we were not trying to be like anyone else. We were just trying to be ourselves. Note: The fear of being judged or socially rejected is what makes people hide their true selves, not step up to the plate but try to blend in. Blame no one. We are all guilty of this crime of being judgmental and less than tolerant of others who are different from us. Rather than lovingly correct their exc...


As a believer, what internal software program are you running on? Many alleged believers are not running on a biblical software program but on a cultural or carnal software program. Christianity should not just be an external label rather, and more importantly, it is an internal label or code that influences and shapes our paradigms, judgments and responses to people and things. It creates an internal culture, control framework and terms of refe rence that derives from the Spirit of God, aligns with and is rooted in the Word of God. A person is not a Christian because they say or appear so outwardly but a true Christian is one who is one inwardly, of the heart, of the spirit, where the Spirit of Christ dwells and operates as Lord or Master. What to do? Study, meditate on and internalize the Scriptures until they become embedded in your heart, and they begin to renew your mind, forming the basis for your very existence, forming the very syntax of the programming language of yo...


People fight God. People insult God. People persecute God. People hurt God. They do these without knowing they are. They do it without spiritual awareness. They presume they're fighting their fellow man. They do it blinded by their emotions of anger, hatred, bitterness, pride, conceit, revenge and the like, until it's too late. They do it not realizing or reckoning with the deeper implications and long-term consequences.  That's why Jesus prayed for those who discredited and crucified him: "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING." Whatever you do, make sure you're not fighting God when you think you're fighting a man. Jesus said: "WHATSOEVER YOU DO TO THE LEAST OF MY BRETHREN, SO YOU DO UNTO ME." If you're not doubly sure about a situation, don't let anyone persuade and deceive you with subtlety, tact and nice-sounding words to betray or join in a conspiracy against a child of God. God says categorically: ...


Be authentic.   Better a true sinner than a false saint.  Better an honest shortcoming than "holy phony" showmanship.  Better the true humility that comes from learning from one's mistakes than the false pride that derives from claiming to make no mistakes.  Better is authenticity in daily living than is pseudo performance for men's approval and admiration much less for deception and manipulation.  Better to make inward progress than to fake outward perfection.  Bet ter, indeed, to make blunders than to make believe.  The starting point of any true walk with God is honesty, being true and sincere, coming to Him just as you are, openhearted, no hoods, no smoke screens, no covers, no masks, no stifles, no acts, no expressionless fronts, no pretenses.  God loves truly honest people albeit imperfect than dubious people who are self-righteous hypocrites.  Jesus forgave the sinners with much tenderness but fought the self rig...


MARRIAGE MATTERS  (An Encouragement & Admonition)  It is extremely important to make sure you marry right.  It will determine whether you have a great or hellish experience or just a mediocre relationship like cohabiting roommates.  This will particularly be the result of your choice of partner and, perhaps even more importantly, on what you do in marriage based on your mutual preparedness and willingness to learn and do as much as you can to make it great.  But for those who think they have made the mistake of marrying the wrong partner, don't give up, don't let Satan take advantage of the situation to wreck you with destructive depression, don't commit suicide and go to hell fire because of earthly marriage.  In the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, there is no marriage. For the children of God shall be like angels with celestial bodies.  Focus on Eternity. Call upon God. He will deliver you from it or help you through it. He knows how to resurrect the...


Marriage has never been between two perfect people. You don't need to marry an angel. Marry someone you truly love, care about, respect, know, have a connection with, can be honest and vulnerable with, can communicate effectively with and share deep affinity with. They don't have to be of angelic character or be religious. But they have to truly fear God, which will practically determine what they can do and undo, and who they are under different situations or scenarios, and if they can be trusted. This love, respect and friendship has to be mutual not one sided. Two become one. The two have to bring something to the table, otherwise one person is marrying themselves and the other is a passive spectator. You both should be able and available to meet each other's needs. You both need to understand each other and be mature enough to love, honor, forgive, apologize and be honest and committed to each other, irrespective of the challenges you may face in life or from an...


    Love is not a helpless feeling.  Love is a selfless choice. Love is not infatuation. Love involves heart and mind. Love requires psychological maturity. Love is tough. Love is resilient. Love is not weak. Love is meek. Love is authentic. Love is honest. Love is positive. Love is never negative. Love is always gracious and good. Love is deeply respectful. Love honors. Love is true loyalty.  Love does no harm. Love doesn't get even. Love never despises. Love never badmouths. Love never blackmails. Love is never vengeful. Love forgives. Love does not seek to get. Love seeks to give.  Love never attacks because it did not acquire. Love never condemns what it does not connect with. Love is never spiteful.  Love is benevolent. Love is helpful. Love is serving. Love is sacrificial. Love communicates. Love is true. Love is loyal. Love is spiritual. Love is not mystical. Love is constant. Love is not fickle. Love is beyond a feeling. Love is committed. Love is a...


A person who judges before they know the facts may lack sufficient or significant social intelligence. And that goes for both good and bad judgement. A person who doesn't know to identify and manage different types of people may be low on emotional intelligence. Knowledge is different from intelligence. Knowledge is acquired information. Intelligence is inbuilt capacity. Don't go for people with knowledge only. That can be gotten from a class, book  or experience. Learn to identify innate emotional and social intelligence in people. That's a priceless treasure not taught or read up. Intelligence is like the engine of an automobile; it has a built-in design capacity. Knowledge may be likened to the volume of gasoline or auto fuel in the fuel tank and in extra cans. Intelligence always has knowledge and knows what critical knowledge is sufficient to run efficiently. Acquiring superfluous knowledge is like having extra cans of whatever type of fuel for road sh...