
Showing posts from March, 2025


  A woman who respects you will NOT brashly challenge your decision and opinions in public.  She will ask questions to understand your actions. She knows you have a reason tor what you did. She respects your sense of judgment. It is counterintuitive, silly or troublesome to follow a person that you do not rate, regard or think well of. It takes a very mischievous, chaotic or toxic person to get married to a person whose opinions, views, values, actions and decisions they do not respect or value. It also signifies a lack of self-respect. It indicates a deeper sense of low self-worth. If you respect yourself, then you will respect others. If you respect yourself, then you will not follow, tag along with, connect with, bond with, or marry anyone that you do not respect or value. Even if you disagree, learn manner of approach. Don’t come off as unreasonable and disrespectful, otherwise you will be put in your rightful place. Take responsibility for your own actions. If you must en...


Do women really have in-built ability to multitask? What does scientific studies say about this theory? While there's a common perception that women are better at multitasking, research suggests that there's no substantial difference in multitasking performance between men and women.  Studies show that both genders experience similar declines in speed and accuracy when multitasking.  Here's a more detailed look: 1. The Myth of Superior Multitasking: The idea that women are inherently better multitaskers is a prevalent stereotype, but research doesn't support it.  2. Studies Show No Gender Difference: Studies comparing men and women on multitasking tasks, including both task-switching and dual-task paradigms, have found no significant differences in performance.  3. Multitasking is Inefficient: Research consistently shows that multitasking, regardless of gender, can negatively impact performance, leading to slower reaction times and reduced accuracy.  4. The Impo...


Just as we have reverse psychology, the following is what I like to describe as reverse theology. In theory and principle, it states and demonstrates that God who is good is using or allowing apparent bad to happen to His beloved people in order to prevent greater bad or to achieve greater good.  The returns are surely higher and of greater value. Where seemingly negative things are happening to certain people for predominantly good reasons. The greatest depiction of this would be Christ going through so much pain and trauma from the people He came to save then hanging on a cross to pay the price for their salvation. Same type of cross used for criminals, and even crucified at the same time with criminals—same experience yet with a very different purpose. Let’s look at a relatable contemporary example. When a person has money, that’s when all of their hitherto hidden fantasies and lusts become fully activated and can be maximally exploited. Money gives expression to both the dorman...


Men, A cheating woman is a security threat. Don’t take it lightly. Take it personally.  Alayé, women don’t often cheat like men. Their psychological makeup is different. Normally, they want love and commitment. They want connection and companionship. Except in extreme cases of nymphomaniacs. Women who can knack like men for fun or relief. Those who can do the do anywhere, with anyone, without strings attached, and are perhaps addicted. Also, except prostitutes just doing it for money. But even then, when they start doing it they may eventually find a customer who has money, or good bed skills, or who talks to them to brainwash them, or who is genuinely friendly and kind to them—and who they may then begin to develop feelings for. Yet prostitution damages their mindset such that they can’t love a man well without putting up t0xic behavior. They remember many of the men, some good and some wicked, who piped them mercilessly just because those men paid them money for piping. All sorts...


Listen up, Young Man!  If you’re a serious-minded man who wishes to interact with serious-minded men online, then make this little adjustment if you haven’t. Put your real picture up and look responsible.  No serious person wants to interact with any fake account or any accounts of unknown persons who have phoney images and undisclosed identities. Why are you hiding—if you are genuine? If you want to hide, then hide and don’t connect. If you intend to interact with real people, it is only fair and good that you show up as a real person too. Real name. Real photo. Real perspectives. Then be neat, sharp, pleasant and businesslike. Stop looking like a ghetto tout and yet be expecting serious people to connect intentionally with you.  (If you want that kind of vibe, then go where it is offered or provided. Simple knowledge.) You don’t have to be fancy or expensive. That’s unnecessary. Be simple and decent. But see, self-improvement begins with your mind. Change what you frequ...


Any relationship, association or interaction that often leaves you feeling angry, disrespected, undermined, exhausted, anxious, self-doubting, unserious, unproducive, distracted, lazy, and even happy or overly confident in a delusional way is t0xic. It is clearly not good for your total health. People are now better aware of their physical health. Nutrition, exercise and other forms of self-care. More people need to be aware of the importance of their emotional and mental wellbeing.  It is therefore important to identify and eliminate things that contribute to the deterioration of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. All forms of abÇ”se—be it verbal, relational/marital/social, religious, etc—leading to unhealthy levels of emotional, mental, and/or physical stress. It is essential to also invest and engage in activities that enhance and protect emotional and mental health. Nature. Socials. Music. Dance. Rest. Diet. Exercise. Travel. Reading. Learning. Games. Laughter. Fun, Etc. ...


Let’s digest this piece with some pidgin English. Some of the gals dem say they rather be crying in a Bentley than laughing in a Corolla—that type shii. So, better sad in a Limo than happy in a Camry. Is that not so? Oya na—time to cry reach, dem come dey form victim mentality and are shopping for sympathy.  Remember your words and promise to yourself. They chose money and largesse over pure solid love, authentic connection and genuine respect. After all, what is romance without finance. Bentley and Lamborghini wey dey cheat no dey too pain like Jeta or keke wey go still cheat las las. Abi no be so. Person sha fit divorce you and leave you with the car and house as per they know say na those things wey you really marry, no be dem dem like that, abi? No be lie. Be careful what you wish for.  You go cry—inside G wagon. Congrats to you! Chai, poverty mentality na bastard. He will give you money and stuffs that you want. Then he will leave you and your fake love and fake life. He ...


Following the findings of his investigation, a popular social media influencer and activist had to call the religious syndicate that falsely identify as the body of Christ, “the body of demons”.  And rightly so, if you study the New Testament to see the same pattern of religious wickedness used against Christ and all of His apostles and disciples. What I will say to the sincere believer is clear: stay away from false churches as much as you can. Refute false gospels, if you love Christ.  Seriously! Discredit us as mad or broke people—that doesn’t matter at all. You’ll see, you’ll see… Laugh, mock, punish and cheat us—do it well now. Fill your cup—don’t be a mediocre. Fill up!  Oh, the Heavens and Earth shall know the truth!  The wise should better start confessing now. Before the door is shut. Hmmm… Read my lips! The way of false churches is clearly NOT the way Christ operates, if you know anything about Christ.  If they harden their hearts and don’t relent but ...


Christ Jesus our Lord was hungry. Paul was hungry. We can be hungry. Christ experienced grief. Yes, He wept. He felt hunger and thirst. He ate and drank. He was tired. He slept like a baby. He was even once a baby. He was carried. He taught. He loved. He gave. He prayed.  He was angry, happy, sad, even impressed. He experienced all of these different things. He shared in our fundamental humanity. Compassionately and purposefully. He suffered. He was accused falsely. He was betrayed, abandoned, crucified. But He was not hopeless and unbelieving. He was not depressed or disillusioned with God. He was thankful, and He embodied the Truth. He expressed God, as He was full of The Spirit. He came to save His people from their sins. That they should have everlasting life. Prosperity gospel is a false doctrine. You will remember this in eternity.


  One of the greatest shockers in eternity will be… People in Hell seeing people they sinned with in Heaven… Those who they didn’t expect to see in Heaven… Those who they think should be with them in Hell… But who were saved by the Mercy of the Almighty… “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and compassion on whom I will have compassion.” The elect get mercy. The rest get justice. No soul gets injustice. Not with the Just God. God is faithful and just. He is now giving several warnings to mankind about truth and deception. Let those who will listen, listen. Those who shall be saved, shall be saved. There’s a place for every soul: Heaven or Hell. Christ will save all those who put their trust in Him.


Grace is not a new concept. Israel was elected by grace. Israel as a nation. The Jews. In Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Faith is also not a new concept. Abraham was justified by faith. It was imputed righteousness. True obedience is a faith walk. The workflow of salvation goes thus: Grace -> Faith -> Righteousness… -> Obedience -> Trials -> Patience (Where: Patience = Endurance) Using this Scriptural Model, Evaluate your spiritual life/walk. The Scripture is one big story. The Scripture is about Christ! Do you understand this truth? Grace and peace!


Intelligent people are prone to curioisty and thus tend to research everything.  Curiosity is a vital ingredient of continuous learning. Deeply inquisitive people are not content with shallow or hazy answers. They have to dive deeper to glean richer, clearer and more accurate insights into a subject. They are also able to discover concepts, identify patterns and connect bits of information together. This trait can also help the mind stay sharp.  It is akin to exercising the brain.  Each time you study, research, process information, learn a new concept or discover a solution, you are challenging your mental muscles to stretch and adjust to a different perspective, worldview or understanding of a subject. Beyond rummaging or hunting only for small talk, silly comics or gossip about other people’s lives and interests, intelligently inquisitive people tend to go for meaningful, purposeful, relatively valuable and relevant information, conversations or content. Communication ...


  Saving faith in Christ within the heart of a man is proof that God has elected him to salvation. It is a gift from God that shows you are saved. It is not a product of the human will and emotions. It is a result of the work of the Spirit of the Father. The Truth of Christ is hard for the flesh to believe. No man can believe except he has been quickened. No man can boast that of his own self, will, power or might, he is able to completely believe in Christ. It comes by the hearing of The Message—Christ! This faith is a living formidable spiritual life-force. It is born of God and thus it overcomes the world. It is not faith concerning the mundane matters of this passing world but in the saving work of Christ. True faith sees the true, living Christ who is Lord. The profession of faith is tested for genuineness. When it is tested, it comes forth as pure gold. *** “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by w...


5 Boundaries You Need To Enforce In Your Life   Just as landed properties or physical spaces having an owner or occupant have boundaries like fences, gates, walls and doors, so our personal lives should have certain personal boundaries. These boundaries are not hostile mechanisms to cut people off but rather necessary systems for mutual protection and sustainable relations. Even with friends and family who mean well, there are certain important limits that we need to enforce to avoid personal overwhelm or relational stress.  Here are five of them: 1. Personal Time Time is our most valuable currency.  You should make out time for yourself to do things that are important to you like reading, recharging, personal devotion, workout, or even just getting your domestic tasks and personal chores done.  People who truly care about you will understand the importance of protecting your personal time—and if they don’t, that might be a red flag all on its own. 2. Personal Financ...