“The purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human.” — Aldous Huxley

Propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or harming a person, a cause or an institution.

It is the strategic dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, half-truths, or even lies and falsehoods—to influence public opinion. 

As a unique type of communication, it is deployed specifically to manipulate the opinion of people to support or to oppose an idea, cause or belief.

It can be positive or negative—used to make people buy into an idea or cause, or turn against same.

Beware of negative propaganda that makes you begin to see or perceive another person as something less than a human being, because someone you respect, like or listen to has painted them so very badly, to the extent that you begin to taunt and treat them badly or unjustly.

It is a favorite tool and weapon of ungodly men who are obsessed with power and control. 

It is never the Strategy of the Spirit of Christ.

It is never the approach of a True Believer, who of course is filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit.

Propaganda seeks to reduce or rubbish a person or thing in the eyes of others, so that others begin to actually, consciously or unconsciously, sabotage, slander, ridicule, mistreat or malign them.

It is a deliberate attempt with heavy emphasis on manipulation which distinguishes it from casual conversation or the free exchange of ideas.

It is far from honest feedback and observation. 

It is intentional undercover injustice or malevolence.

For example, we read in the dark history of some African countries, people of some ethnic groups were known to despise, hate, witch-hunt, harm, destroy and eliminate people of other ethnic groups who were in a sense their own people of one nationality. 

The power of propaganda can’t be rightly denied or easily quantified.

Constructive feedback and correction, on the other hand, objectively highlights a real issue or problem and seeks to proffer solutions for a better outcome.

Without prejudice, it clearly defines and discusses a prevailing challenge with the sole objective of introducing or initiating a positive change. 

This is the way and manner of those who are true, honest, just, equitable, rational and reasonable.

It gives room for growth, truce, mediation, peace, harmony, equity, justice and progress.

This is the way to go—constructive feedback with workable strategies and solutions.


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