Stupidity is not a sign of bravery. 

To destroy you, an enemy may sometimes play to your warrior or fighter instincts to get you to take or make a miscalculated and unreasonable step or move. 

Know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. 

Have a ‘locus standi’ for your actions.

Imagine a person quizzically or innocently using the “Are you afraid?” line or the “You are afraid” card to prod and gently move you (perhaps with great skillfulness and subtlety) into an unconscionable position or to take a stupid decision. 

They ‘ginger’ or motivate you into trouble. 

That’s reverse psychology with fear.

They may play or try to appeal to any of your emotions, instincts, or psychological or logical complexes in a way to get you to misstep or overstep or act outside sound judgment. 

This may be in the form of a savior complex (overreaching compassion) or a god complex (overextended ego) in you.

Salespeople use it to trick you into making a purchase by ideologically suggesting that you’re “capable” of making the purchase, by indirectly stroking your ego, by subtly calling into question your purchasing power, or by any of such sleight of mind and seamless mental maneuvers.

Envious friends may even use it to wreck your relationship with good and kind hearted persons.

Political detractors can deploy it to discomfit the opposition and destabilize the enemy’s camp.

Business or socioeconomic competitors can also employ it to undermine perceived completion. 

Always use your head or they will use it for you. 

Do the right, reasonable and equitable thing always. 

Otherwise you will be a prey to a usurper, opportunist or even a foe and predator in ways that you may not currently see or perceive. 

Of course, none of us can or will evade all of these types of situations completely or perfectly.

But if you make a mistake or misstep, take responsibility for it and learn authentic recovery. 

Don’t be a warrior if you don’t need to be. 

Sometimes the so-called coward move is the wiser choice under certain circumstances. 

Pick your battles. 

Choose and calculate your risks. 

Count the cost.

Peace be with you.


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