Ignorance is really dangerous. 

False knowledge is even more dangerous. 

False religion (belief in a false God or a false representation of God) and atheism (disbelief in God) are both bothersome, burdensome and very dangerous.

Christ said: “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.”

He also said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.”

Christ not ‘Religion’ is the Truth.

False Christs are most dangerous because they pose ans Christ yet are deeply and fundamentally antithetical to the True Christ.

False Religion, including false Christianity, doesn’t truly know or follow the True Christ.

False Christianity, which is the popular and prevalent version of Christianity, is the worse enemy of the Truly Biblical Christian Faith. 

Most of what we call Christianity is not truly in alignment with the True Biblical Christ.

You won’t really know or understand this unless and until you do your own honest and heartfelt search or study of the Holy Scriptures with the pure and simple desire: “to know Christ”.

The false gospel of prosperity births false expectations and entitlements, hinged on Materialism and Mammonism (the religious obsession with and worship of money and material things), which are not what the True Christ came to preach or promote at all. 

That is basically or essentially what false Christianity, which is false religion, teaches and promises to the carnal minds and covetous hearts of the unregenerate man.

This it does in the selfsame Name of ‘Jesus’.

This false religious Jesus is a “false Christ”.

This is different from the True Biblical Christ. 

May God open our eyes of understanding to see and know His Truth. 

May we humble ourselves to know the True God.


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