I want to talk.

Kudos if you can decode this. 

We speak to the intelligentsia.

Follow the money, as they say.

But who’s calling the shots?

No blame. No name. Just game.

Follow the storyline, if you can.

Justice is perfect, still not yet.

The Supreme Ruler in His Power.

Set the Foundations of His Truth.

Laid the Standard by His Wisdom.

He called the shots and assigned.

Everyone had their specific roles.

Long haul; and powers were given.

Scripts installed within each heart.

Spirits knew it from the beginning.

Kingdoms worked for their interests.

They wanted to c0n.spire. 

Yes sure, they already did.

Mantras, mystics and magic.

Matches and manipulations.

Marriage, career, religion. 

Even used the h€ll dust. 

Called it the d€vil’s cake. 

And plotted to destr0y subtly.

They introduced the Nuggets.

They used infam0us White Sugar.

Slid in through a crack in the wall.

Frozen as ice water with the block.

They listened and looked.

The followed and fiddled.

He hid the truth from them.

He marred the gold to divert.

Feedback from Hell’s hail.

Feedback from the Holies.

Endless end ended.

Don’t overthink it—it’s done.

They will understand when I go.

They will realize after they leave.

To the glory of the Most High.

I gave them jobs, yet not I.

They got paid and enjoyed.

Everyone had their moments.

Like The Eagle, He tossed me.

Scattered my private comforts.

He handled me like the marker.

Highlighted His Writings again.

Yes, He did them good in this life.

Many did not acknowledge God.

But credited their own prowess.

The middle man got their praise.

The Usurper, that Old Serpent.

They gave themselves assignments.

They con.spired against the inspired,

As to undermine the said inspiration. 

But they are fundamentally ignorant 

Of The Ultimate Best Script Writer 

The Greatest Executive Producer. 

His Holy Majesty’s Name: YHWH

Let all creation magnify The LORD.


A moment more for the outsider.

Legion? You said it well yourself.

They wrote their story themselves.

Everyone is writing their own story.

Every man is writing stories.

Only as commanded by Him.

He commanded, and men acted.

The intentional and the irrational.

His foes and friends alike acted.

They g^nged up with the bands:

£nemy of my £nemy is my friend.

So they said and thus teamed up:

Symbiotic pr€dators for the k*ll?

Yet, only by instruction.

Let’s call it conspiracy?

But they can only do as commanded.

(If predatorship was poetically licensed).

Who is game? Goliath’s got game.

Who’s that likkle shepherdy boy!

Away the good mosquito, Malaria.

It’s encoded speak, for the transit.

Legion, whence go to and fro the earth?

Legion, have you seen my servant Job?

Did I call you not three times by name?

Trinity of Trinities.

Trinity of Triangles.

Trinity of Tribulations.

They still don’t belief that YHWH 

Will come as one commoner’s son

Much less a sinner and demoniac?

They think themselves ‘sovereign’ 

To dictate to Almighty His actions

I wanted to talk. I already did.

Those who never talk never rest.

In regions where souls transit to.

From where they sojourn awhile.

Angels on guard.

To attend to each.

They listened but didn’t learn.

The Great steeled their hearts.

Cry now, or do not later. 

Mercy travels tomorrow.

I gave. I forgave. I regave. 

I appreciated. I apologized.

I owned my sh*t (excusez-moi).

Did not claim saint, in the least.

Hopefully did nobody dirt.

I m0urned my disparities.

Strayed and frayed; man alone. 

Entrapped and embattled.

Engraced and experienced.

I fought b€asts and d€mons.

Yet not I, who stood but still.

He sent His armies.

He hosted His foes.

But yes, the Script is written.

All the actors play their roles.

Not mine, not yours; His Script.

I bow to the One who is Above all.

I honor and extol the God who reigns.

Make peace while the night lingers.

I saw The Day alight to take over!

Lo, I have entered into The Light!

Praise God. Hallelujah! Amen.

Recounted for the records.

I want to talk. I already did.

Praise God. Hallelujah! Amen.

#utterance #psalms #songs


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