I respect any preacher whose boldness and forthrightness are unparalleled especially because they had previously been a frontline proponent of the false, materialistic and transactional gospel. 

Anyone who is not grateful for the good work, which I think God is doing at this time, may likely be prejudiced against the messengers. 

It is certainly far from a perfect situation. But it has really proven to be needed to shake the system and salvage some people from the shackles of false gospels and religious deception that have destroyed so many.

I can (and any mature believer should) accept the human flaws of any preacher. 

For example, in this case of a preacher being perceived as audacious, arrogant, dogged and forceful; well that may even be what is necessary for the kind of battle and wolves he is up against. It is actually a strength. 

It seems to me to be the right temperament for the job and as long as he has the needed enlightenment on the subject of the Gospel, then that I should be good. We should evaluate the later as a necessary criterion for preaching.

The gift of preaching, exhortation or admonition sometimes necessitates a person being empowered to speak powerfully and pointedly to address a subject matter directly and clearly.

This works deliverance in people through the Word as it destroys the demonic religious strongholds in their minds, bringing light to dispel the darkness in minds. 

Africans have been in the dark under the religious bondage of false gospels and prophets. 

So primarily, a preacher or Bible teacher must get the Gospel right, and that is the major focus. 

People should try to see the good in a work, if indeed there is any good as it specifically relates to the True Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Naturally, human beings are either envious or biased. But reasonable and honest people simply want the truth.

Yet, a valid concern will be the typical fanaticism and sycophancy of immature believers and generally gullible people who always idolize their pastors, favorite preachers or religious leaders. It is the effects of religion on the people’s minds. 

Sometimes it seems that even the preachers do not like or want these things but the people force it on them. (Here, I am just speaking generally. I don’t know each man’s heart). 

Some preachers love to be venerated as the great one and only champion over all. These preachers often fall into great error, as it has happened with many who are referred to as fathers of faith. They have become deeply delusional in their estimation of themselves as demigods amongst men either from their obsession with power or idolization from people. 

The danger is that if preacher/teacher/pastor errs, the team of fellow pastors or elders (if there is any) cannot or will not be helpful or useful enough to him as to stop and ask him questions much less to even offer any form of humble biblical correction to him, if necessary.

Thus, what is needed is spiritual maturity in Believers and Christian leaders which will be evident in true humility and the fruit of the Spirit to build each other up, including encouraging and correcting each other in Christian love.

Also needed is proper New Testament structure/pattern in the Church of having overseeing elders so that the local assembly of the Body of Christ is not run as a one-man show.

Finally needed is more knowledge of sound doctrine not so as to not just preach topical sermons without proper exegesis of Scripture. 

Now there’s a lot of mixture from Charismatic Pentecostalism, from which came the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation errors, false teachings/practices, and also fed the Prosperity Doctrine, Faith Healing, Spiritual Items, Miracle Merchandising, and others seen in organized and commercialized religion.

I trust God to lead His Church into the wonderful truth and doctrines of Christ (aka, the Doctrines of Grace), and thus to establish the Faith of Believers in the Living Christ and in the True God and His Salvific Plan for Man.

There’s still so much to learn so I hope and pray that those who are coming out of the Prosperity Gospel will also desist from other Scripturally inaccurate beliefs/teachings which are contrary to the True Faith, and will not derail further in unbridled zeal (without adequate knowledge) into other grievous doctrinal errors/false beliefs.

My desire is that souls are saved and ambitious men are not filling mega church edifices with multitudes of unconverted souls who don’t know God or have His Spirit in them. We can see the proof of this all over in the society, and sadly so. 

Let Christ be truly known, loved and followed by Believers, for by this is God glorified.


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