A personal observation and experience.

They are people who when they notice I like a particular leader will go around that leader to tell the leader evil things about me.

Some of them are close to the leader or they will infiltrate and manipulate those close to the leader to get their unsavory ideas across.

They have a sly and crafty way of warming their way into the leader’s heart through supposed honor, humility, money, service or sycophancy.

Their evil plan is to make the leader think that I am against him or opposed to him.

They usually succeed in painting a picture to the leader, either in a subtle way or directly but with spiteful and malicious intent to make the leader perceive me in bad light and be incensed at me.

They may present things I said or opined in the distant past or recent past which ran contrary to the leader’s beliefs, words or pronouncements.

They may twist some things I stated to make it seem like a verbal attack on the leader’s person.

They will always hide the good things I said about or shared from this leader and promote or project only differences in beliefs and opinions.

It may have nothing to do with all that but there will use a perceived flaw to achieve their goal.

It is not limited to leaders but to anyone who plays any role in one’s life from product vendors to service providers to friends and family to online and offline contacts.

If you introduce them to any of your contacts, your relationship with that contact will always mysteriously be destroyed. 

You don’t even have to introduce them to your contacts, if they get to know any of your contacts, they will find a very crooked and underhanded way to wreck that relationship. 

They are deeply disastrous and sinister.

These people intentionally create or cause strife and rancor between people.

They stage-manage bad perceptions and bad emotions for others in the minds and hearts of especially leaders and notable individuals or even reputable organizations.

They fan ungodly flames of bitterness and resentment in the hearts of gatekeepers, key figures, decision makers, well-meaning support systems and leaders towards other people who they have a grudge or grouse against, especially those who they feel threatened by or who they feel insecure about, possibly due to superior knowledge, experience and power of some sort.

These may be people who know me in the past.

They are the typical envious peers or disgruntled associates, from the past or in the present.

They may throw up, emphasize and regurgitate a supposed shortcoming or blunder of mine.

They are often up to no good, when they show up or when they do their thing behind the scene.

They’re skilled midwives of chaos and confusion.

Harbingers of division and manipulation, thoroughly obsessed with power tussle.

They are either not spiritually regenerate (saved) or they are spiritually immature (not yet mature for leadership and sensitive positions of trust, transparency, accountability or authority).

Leaders must be wary of such people in their personal lives and in the organizations they lead. 

God abominates these kinds of people.

They make it to God’s (Top 7) List of Abominable Things (Sins) in the Scripture, as stated in the Book of Proverbs.

The Sixth chapter. Verse 16 to 19 reads:

“There are six things the LORD hates—

no, seven things he detests:

haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,

hands that kill the innocent,

a heart that plots evil,

feet that race to do wrong,

a false witness who pours out lies,

a person who sows discord in a family.”

This is from the New Living Translation.

The New International Version renders the last verse this way:

“a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”

Let’s conclude with the Amplified Bible rendering of that last verse so we can capture and understand the meaning even better:

“A false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths], And one who spreads discord (rumors) among brothers.”

Beware of such people and be careful not to be this type of person who God abominates. Selah!


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