I must confess: 

Though I hate lies thoroughly, and I passionately advocate for truth, there is one exclusive social context I have intentionally employed a presumptive or preemptive fact.

This pseudo fact may pass as a technical ‘untruth’, if evaluated extensively in the strictest possible manner and in a progressive sense, especially from hindsight.

You may need to read that again and let it sink.

But if you still didn’t quite get it, then it’s okay. Let’s say you will get the decently intellectually encoded communication hopefully, at a later time, of retrospection or recollection.

The context or scenario where I may deploy an element of “post-dated untruth”, if you like, is during my “facts iteration” process.

A simple-to-robust process where I run an intuitive, unraveling and self-fulfilling social experiment on the behavior of suspected liars and disloyal people to gauge their confidentiality, disclosure, trust, loyalty and integrity status.

I do this using a peculiar proprietary method of fact-finding which I refer to as my “psychological fingerprinting” analysis. 

I won’t go into details but let me briefly explain.

I simplify it to avoid counterproductive exposure.

Here it is: I tell you something. You tell someone else. You and/or them run with that piece information in a manner that seeks to bring me into harm’s way or undermine me. I will know. 


I see my markers. Yes, my own markers which I set as a mental and emotional compass, pathfinder or tracer to feed me back with the indices that tells me what you’re up to.

Even without seeing or hearing from you, I have a way of knowing because I provided the ink.

I laid the canvas and spotted the ink on my unaware dispatch or messenger.

I then mentally eyeball everyone’s fingerprint who have touched or been touched with my ink.

The colors are indicative and tell a clear story.

To reiterate: I told you what I told you, so that I can know what I need to know about what you need to tell me but refuse to tell me.

So again: I tell you, you tell them, everyone’s informed, and then you tell me who you told without telling me who you told.

The psychological fingerprints are intuitive feedback which are visible and meaningfully recognizable to the intentional signal sender.

Infact, they are in absolutely vivid colors.

Did I just reveal one of my methodologies? 

Maybe, maybe not. But it’s not that simplistic.

It’s beyond what is said or can be said.

Sometimes the roles are reversed.

Sometimes it’s not intentional.

Sometimes it’s Divine.

Always it’s inevitable.

It’s character. Nature.

Water finds its level.

Dogs bark. Cats meow. 

Man is man. God is God.


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