Hello, please take a good listen to this.

This is not just noise. It is Ultimate Truth told.

Except God changes a person’s heart, we can only do a limited or shallow work by our words or deeds.

God through one of His prophets declared in Scripture that “the heart of man is deceitful above all else and desperately wicked, who can know it?”

That’s why the pure Gospel of Christ is important to be used as a vital tool by the Spirit of God.

It is necessary in opening the spiritual eyes/insight/inner sight/understanding/perspective, or to touch/awaken/change the spiritual heart/core of a person to see and understand their spiritual condition.

All of this, of course, is from the Divine ‘Point of View’ (POV) of the Perfectly and Infinitely Holy God.

Note: God is Holy (Different) from fallen man because He is perfectly sinless, just, good, etc. Fallen man is different from God because he has, through the rebellion of disobedience, fallen short of the Pure Perfection and Grandiose Glory of God.

This “heart work” or “spiritual birth” is necessary to bring a person to “the faith” (essential belief based on this unveiled/revealed fact and knowledge of God, namely His Truth/Thought/Logic/Wisdom).

This is what leads a person to effective repentance (change of mind/heart based on this regenerative faith or revealed fact/truth given by God—through the instrumentality of His Word and Spirit).

This is what is meant by God coming to reside in a man—it is the Spirit of God working and living in the heart/core of a man. It is the Word of God (Christ) dwelling richly in man. This is “true riches” indeed.

This is how a man truly believes the Gospel—that he is a sinner and Christ died, was buried and rose again for his salvation, which is his justification and ultimately his glorification, in the order of Christ, who is “the Messiah”, the Sent One from the Father for the redemption of Man. Reason why He went to the Cross to pay the ultimate price for this Plan.

This is God’s Grand Plan for God’s “Mankind”.

This is God’s Ultimate Purpose for His Man—the creature of God made in His Image and Likeness.

I pray this Plan is fulfilled in your and my life.

To the everlasting praise, honor, majesty and glory of God the Father and Jesus the Christ, by the Holy Spirit.


My name is Mr. Dozie Osonkie.

I came to bear witness to Truth. 



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