Salvation is forever. You don’t get it, and l0se it, and hopefully get it back again; it is forever.” (John MacArthur, Bible teacher and author)

As for the d€vil, he wishes a believer can l0se their salvation, that’s why he brings temptations to introduce sin to the physical experience of believers.

He wishes that by making you fall into sin, he has succeeded in making you l0se your salvation.

Do you see his mal€volent game now?

So he tempts you into str!fe, wr@th, lust, pride, greed, envy, partiality, impure thoughts, and all manner of works of the flesh to tackle and trip you mentally or emotionally into thinking or feeling that you have lost your exclusive “saved” status.

But that’s a f00l’s game. He is totally wrong.

He uses f@lse friends and f@lse believers to accomplish this s@d!stic endeavor. But do you know what Christ said about those who cause others to stumble or s!n? It’s most h0rrible and t€rrible; you should research it—if you care to know.

The d€vil also uses false teaching/doctrine to cast aspersions on the perfect Work of Christ.

Thus, f@lse teachers, f@lse friends and f@lse believers are all indirectly working for S@tan, who is the father of all f@lsehoods and l!es.

They all seek to undermine the Sacrifice of Christ. 

They actually seek to erode the assurance of salvation and the joy of salvation in a believer. 

False teaching is a tool in the hands of S@tan.

The problem is that most people who ‘go to church’, ‘answered an altar call’ or recited a ‘sinner’s prayer’ and thus who presume that they are same are not saved, thus one must personally, honestly evaluate themselves to be sure that they are truly saved. 

As Paul would admonish believers in the Early Church: “make sure/certain your election (by God to salvation)” and “examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith, or don’t you know that Christ dwells in you?”

Believers must seek to understand the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The truth will make you free from the machinations and manipulations of the d€vil and his f@lsehood.

The devil is a li@r. F@lse preachers peddle l!es.

Christ is the Truth. Know Christ. Know the truth. 

“We are saved by Grace (God’s gift/act in Christ’s work) through Faith (God’s work in the heart of man by His Spirit/Word); and this is not of ourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works (human efforts to fulfill all the Holy Laws of Holy God), lest any man should boast.” (Paul the apostle of Christ to the Gentile world, by the inspiration of the Spirit to believers in Galatia, a region in central Asia Minor, namely, modern Turkey; parentheses mine).

We are blessed and saved by Almighty God.

Praise and honor be to the glory of His Grace.



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