If God has not physically healed you or a particular person of a certain health condition but you claim that He has just to impress people or as a make-belief ‘testimony’, perhaps as you may claim to ‘boost’ the faith of others or to ‘attract’ people to your religious group in the guise of bringing them to Christ, then you have borne false witness of God.

Why do you want to manipulate things and yet claim that it was God who did it without your knowledge, cooperation or participation?

What if He wants to use the particular situation differently for His glory? Do you really know?

Also, if you did not get a certain privileged position or opportunity to get wealth through a manner that is perceptibly Divinely orchestrated but you actually cut corners or unethically wriggled your way to get it, and you fabricate lies to make it seem like it was a sudden and unexpected ‘miracle’ from God that you absolutely had no hand in and knew absolutely nothing about, even though you may claim or affirm that you have intentions of using the privilege for good, then you have also borne false witness.

Simply, avoid the lies, deception and falsehood.

Surely, God in His Sovereignty allowed all that to happen. He gave you, and everyone else involved in process, the wherewithal to facilitate that outcome but the elements of falsehood that cover your role and their part in the plot are totally unnecessary.

Let’s learn from the Scriptures. 

The human frailties, errors, mistakes or maneuvers of all the great and inspiring Bible characters—the kings, priests, prophets, patriarchs, matriarchs and the very apostles of Christ—were not lied about, falsified or covered up but listed together with their feats, exploits and formidable or laudable deeds.

All these add up to authenticate those documented historical accounts as more believable events, in conjunction with other corroborating evidences, both literary (arts) and archeological (science).

The point of the post is that we do not have to pretend before God who is All Knowing and All Seeing. We can’t impress Him with our pseudo perfectionism where we try to perform before Him especially in our prayers, reading of Scriptures, evangelism, church-meeting attendance and other related activities we may engage ourselves in as checked items on our religious ritual scorecards.

God literally sees our motives and hears/reads our very thoughts with error-free, matchless precision.

We also don’t have to serve Him in pretense just so that people can see us performing that service, so by that we will be applauded, celebrated, venerated or rated highly. (Note: this is not to diminish the place of being genuinely appreciated and the need to appreciate others for their contribution and value. It also does not eliminate the subconscious or incidental possibilities of impressing or thrilling others with harmless traces of embellishments).

We have to do life with a heart that seeks primarily to please God, in all sense of honesty and truth. 

We have to trust Him and be honest with Him.

If He is truly our God whom we love and worship.


Dozie Osonkie

TRUTH Advocacy!

Thought Leadership


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