(A different kind of post to stimulate your mind)

Life is mathematics. 

Numbers. Figures. Values. Digits. Statistics.

Quantities. Measurements. Operations. Order.

Addition. Subtraction. Multiplication. Division.

Sums. Differences. Products. Quotients.

Relationships. Constants. Variables.

Factors. Functions. Inputs. Outputs.

Dimensions. Proportions. Percentages. Ratios.

Samples. Sets. Syntax. Strings. Space.

Signs. Symbols. Shapes. Slopes.

Points. Paths. Perimeters. Properties. 

Data. Analysis. Entries. Results.

Equations. Formulas. Rules. Indices. Metrics.

Trends. Patterns. Forecasts. Predictions.

Applications. Calculations. Simulations.

Permutations. Combinations. Differentials.

Interrelations. Correlations. Iterations.

Generalization. Abstraction. Precision.

Manipulations. Transformations.

Logic. Arrays. Arrangements.

Binary. Multiples. Odds. Evens.

Angles. Inclinations. Deviations. 

Trajectories. Projectiles.

Knowns and unknowns.

And ultimately, solutions.

The whole works.

Firstly, life is quantified in time.

And Time is graduated or calculated in numbers.

Clocks and Calenders.

Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Months. Years.

Next, marriage is an addition for multiplication: a specific limited number of people (largely two) coming together to procreate which results in multiple people (children) being born.

Then, these people go through a series of different stages and phases of development, such as a learning process (education) to get to an earning stage (career path/job/business).

Eduction, whether formal or informal, is a process that is graduated into a period of time.

Business, whether a defined career path as an employee, employer, entrepreneur or enterprise, is evaluated in mathematical terms and systems.

Business growth is mostly measured in numbers.

Scientific data is largely measured in numbers.

Money is calculated in numbers.

Products are quantified in numbers.

Every unit of activity in life—from a basic cellular level or simple atomic structure to most complex processes, multifunctional systems and gigantic multinational organizations and nations—can be reduced, raised or related in terms of numbers.

The science of life is mathematical.

All numbers. 

All mathematics.

What is mathematics?

It is basically the pure or applied science of numbers and their operations.

To expand on this definition, it is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change.

Since these are all components of life, this goes to show that every aspect or operation of life can be studied and evaluated by numbers, that is, analyzed mathematically.

Sports, entertainment, governance, politics, arts, medicine, engineering, technology, music, etc.

People, processes, patterns, principles, etc.

All of society is and can be governed or gauged in some sense by mathematics.

Etymologically, the word “mathematics” is from the Ancient Greek “mathema” meaning “that which is learnt” or “what one gets to know.”

From this, the Greek word “mathematikos” was derived, which means “inclined to learn” or “studious”.

The Ancient Greeks are reported to have used this word to refer to “a wide range of subjects related to learning, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy”.

As a thought process, mathematics or maths (for short) is a broad concept that spans the entirety of man’s mind and anthropological experience.

Having a “mathematical mind” can help us figure out things better by helping us understand the relationship between different components in a given interaction and their individual impact.

To bring this thought to a climax, God revealed Himself to man in His great work of salvation as a “Trinity”, three persons of the Godhead—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Yet it is One God.

God has called and chosen an Elect to be saved: these He predestined to be justified and glorified in His Son who is Christ the Lord and Savior.

They are specific number of people known to God and who He draws to Christ by His Spirit.

There are a specific number of components and dimensions/measurements in the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, in the Book of Revelations.

Namely: 12 gates with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 angels at the gates, 12 foundations with the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb, 12000 stadia (1400miles/2200km in length/width/height and 144 cubits (200ft/65m) in thickness, measured by an angel who had a measuring rod of gold.

The 12 gates of the City were 12 different pearls.

There are also twenty four elders and four living creatures around the Throne of God.

There are 12 sons of Jacob (later renamed Israel by God), which became the 12 tribes of Israel. 

There are 12 disciples or apostles of Christ.

In the Old Testament, God gave Moses specific measurements for building the Tabernacle.

The Temple planned by King David and built by his son King Solomon had a specific design.

We see the occurrence of numbers throughout the Scriptures.

Even in everyday life, we use numbers, both loosely and precisely, in almost every situation and context. 

For example, in colloquial lingo, it is usually said that people are “5 and 6” when they are “typical best friends who cannot do without each other” (Urban Dictionary). 

But we are not to be obsessed by numbers, we only appreciate the simplicity and complexity of these things as they can be made basic and yet expanded to be complicated or incomprehensible to persons unschooled or unfamiliar with them.

As one who was educated, trained and who worked as a scientist and an engineer for many years, I comprehend and appreciate to a well-enlightened extent the value and utility of mathematics and mathematical concepts in collating, quantifying, quality-checking, defining, assigning, analyzing, understanding, solving and resolving simple to complex equations, puzzles, patterns, processes, interrelationships, information, operations, conditions, scenarios, and problems.

Back to lifetime which is measured in numbers, the Psalmist prayed thus to God: Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”

Finally, when we step out of Time on Earth, we get to enter the Realm of Eternity which is beyond and not subject to Time or Numbers.

It is a Place and State of Timelessness.

The Spirit World where God dwells and which is beyond the Realm of Time and Space.

“God is Spirit.”

“Those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.”

We who have been adopted into His Family and united with Him in Christ are one with Him.

We are in this world but not of this world.

We are not limited by the bonds of this world.

We have an inheritance beyond this Earth.

The Everlasting Kingdom of God where He rules and reigns, a New World without end.

“For there shall be New Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwells Righteousness (Love, Truth, Justice and Peace).”

Praise and glory to God forevermore. 


In conclusion, Christ in His Last Prayer to The Father for His Disciples said: “That they may be ONE, even as You Father and I are ONE.”

Paul the Last Apostle of Christ reiterated it: “One Lord, One Spirit, One Body, One Faith, One Hope!”

God’s Scripture is ONE Story!

It is about the GOSPEL OF CHRIST.

Blessed be the Name of the LORD God Almighty!


Dozie Osonkie 

TRUTH Advocacy!

Thought Leadership 

Ex Energy Professional

Entrepreneurial Enthusiast


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