Every authentic and aware believer is on a journey of growth and service—amidst all of the activities and vicissitudes of ‘normal’ life of men on Earth. 

Blessed are those who God is working on.

The work of God on a man is His work IN the man. 

He may take him through seasons and experiences to instill and grow that work IN him. 

This is the walk of a man with God—as God works in him, and through him. 

This may bring him through certain experiences different from another man. 

This may be due to the task, assignment, service, ministry, contribution or mission God wants him to embark on or accomplish in his time on this Earth. 

This may mean weaning him from certain normal or regular endeavors and activities which are not bad in and of themselves but not ultimately in his own blueprint or script from God. 

This calls for individual sensitivity, understanding, yieldedness, consecration and allegiance to God and His program for the man who knows, loves, follows and walks with God.

God will not allow His children walk like the world. (There is a walk, mentality or manner of life every man’s heart is internally conditioned or scripted to).

God is committed to accomplishing His work in His own, by whatever means necessary, for “He makes all things work together FOR GOOD to them who love Him and are THE CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE”. 

Yes, there is a Grand or Ultimate Purpose that God seeks to accomplish in all His sons. It is not the selfsame blueprint, purpose, pursuit, desire or longing of the rest of the unbelieving world.

So amidst the activities of life, there is work. 

God’s work. 

There is a Plan. God’s Plan. 

It will be the climax and culmination of all that God has ever done from the Beginning. 

This is the work God set out to do from Creation.

It is the work Christ the God-Man came to seal.

Same work God’s servants and people bear witness to in their lives and works/contributions.

It’s One Story, guys! 

God’s Work. GOD’S STORY!

According to the Eternal Script, Design, Logic, Will, Thought, Blueprint, Plan and Purpose of The LORD, the Almighty Creator, the Eternal Spirit—God of all flesh and Father of spirits. 

“Thy Kingdom come! Thy Will be done in the Earth as it is in Heaven. // For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever and ever. Amen.” 

May these truths be clear to all true believers.

Grace and peace to all God’s Elect.

Glory to God forever! 



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