Thank God for your beauty, brawn, brains or bucks.

But do not let intellect, good looks, money or fame trip or blindside you into believing your own press.

Acknowledge “the good thing” in you, which as a child of God is Christ in you: His Life, Spirit, Truth.

Yes, have a modest and honest evaluation of you.

Do not overcompensate for your inner emptiness by overhyping yourself with an enamored exterior.

Look into the mirror of God’s Word, which is the Ultimate Truth and see from His Perspective.

You are created by God in His Image/Likeness.

You have sinned and fallen short of His Holy Glory.

You are dead in your trespasses in need of saving.

You cannot save yourself and must look to Christ.

You need God’s Help—Grace and Truth in Christ.

You are nothing without God’s Mercy in salvation.

You are headed to Eternal Damnation outside Him.

No man is deserving of His Grace; it is unmerited.

All who receive Grace are deeply grateful to God.

Their lives are marked by genuine gratitude to Him.

They don’t congratulate themselves as the heroes.

They have an understanding of who they really are.

They have in-depth thankfulness for God’s Mercy.

They acknowledge that this is True Blessedness.

They study The Scriptures to know God better.

They deeply long or desire to know Christ more.

They are truly humbled by the Great Love of God.

They trust and thank God continually everyday.

They live their lives to be pleasing to the Father.

They earnestly seek to do The Will of the Father.

They do all that they do as to the Lord not to men.

They are guided by the Spirit and the Word of God.

They are in the world but they are not of this world.

They are children of God, and heirs of His Kingdom.

Blessed be the Name of the LORD God Almighty!


Dozie Osonkie

TRUTH Advocacy!

Thought Leadership


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