How do I say this nicely?

It takes a fundamentally or spiritually ignorant and unlearned person to treat anyone unjustly.

Why do I say this?

A fundamentally or spiritually aware or enlightened person does not delight in injustice or wickedness.

Why? Are they afraid of anyone or anything?

No, they know certain critical truths about God.

They hold deep insights into the purpose of life.

They have seen the original blueprint of Creation.

They understand things from a higher perspective.

They deeply recognize the value of a human soul.

They can see the spiritual state of human beings.

They are aware of the spirits behind every person.

They know that even a child has justice with God.

They know what Almighty God requires of man.

They humble their hearts under the Hand of God.

They fear God in the truest or purest sense of it.




Let me say it another way. 

If God wants to punish someone severely in Hell, He allows them to do much harm to others.

For example, before God took specific action of placing a curse on Cain, Cain slayed his brother Abel. Thus, Cain had deeply violated a fundamental law of God. It was God who Cain had fundamentally undermined and abused not just his brother Abel.

“What a person does, that they also shall reap.”

For God to destroy Pharoah, He first hardened Pharoah’s heart and sent him (with his Egyptian armies) in hot pursuit of the seemingly helpless children of Israel, who were embarking on a most tortuous wilderness journey. 

God is not careless or clueless.

He is not without guiding principles, codes and ethics.

His Personality and Kingdom are established on certain core or foundational principles.

Truth, righteousness, justice are the foundation of the very Throne of the LORD God Almighty. 

They are the basis of His works or operations.

They are the very substance of His Divine Authority.

To be part of God’s Constituency, these principles and virtues must be part of our core values.




So to reiterate: if God wishes to damn a soul in Hell, He will allow that soul to do fundamental injustice or treachery to another soul so that He as God can rightfully and lawfully execute true justice for the unjustly treated and against the unjust. (For God is just).

Remove yourself from anything that puts you in that category.

The end of all things will be the judgment of the world that ensures justice on the just and unjust.

Now hear this defining and definitive truth: The true nature of any thought or action is in its relation or reference to God’s uprightness. 

The truth of God is the ultimate measuring gauge.

Like I say, better a fool than a felon.

Like I also say, better to exonerate the guilty than to incriminate the innocent.

Never take sides with the devil or with the enemy against a person who you have not, without a shadow of doubt, found guilty before God of a particular offence. 

Never crucify one who is not guilty of what they are accused of, especially (but not exclusively) when you know in your heart that they are not guilty yet you pretend or falsely accuse them of being guilty.

Never betray anyone because it favors you.

Never live on the side of injustice.

You will surely regret it. 

Here or hereafter.

As God lives!


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