The Prayer of Christ for His People. 

“Santify (set them apart) BY YOUR #TRUTH”

Are you still playing with Truth? 

You think truth doesn’t matter? 

Or you say no Divine truth? 

God has no truth, no reality, no rules, no laws, no standard, no correct perception of things, no substantive facts of who He is and want He wants or what pleases Him, no reason or purpose why He created man, no Divine intention, no accurate information or veracious account what was, what is and what shall be? 

No fixed, timeless, constant or unchanging truth? 

You believe that? 

That means, no God. 

It means, you are essentially, technically and functionally an atheist even though you say you’re a Christian. That’s just a meaningless label or at best one used for situational ethics or religious correctness. 

In other words, it’s a lie. 

You see there’s a logical basis for saying certain people are fa.lse Christs, fa.lse Christians, fa.lse prophets or fa.lse teachers. 

Now that’s the greatest problem.

Fa.lse Christianity. Counterfeit Christ. 

Misinterpretation of Truth.

Misrepresentation of Christ.

Is Truth relative? Each man his truth? So why are you angry when their own truth is contrary to yours? 

You really want ‘your truth’ to be the truth, not so?

See the lies, delusion, deception and hypocrisy?

Why not just honorably identify as an atheist or agnostic?

Why claim Christ or Christianity but seek to change or twist the truth of the written text in its context?

That’s the subtle falsification of Christianity.

The gradual forgery of the image or identity of Christ. 

That’s cosmic, spiritual and eternal cr!minality. 

That’s far worse than religious neutrality.

To be clear, having a fa.lse Christ is more dangerous than atheism, agnosticism and being totally irreligious.

Yes, zero Christianity is better than Christianity, and that’s the difference between non-Christian nations and most African nations.

Why are you deceiving yourself and/or others?

Do you know who is ultimately deceiving mankind? 

The subtle and slippery one who began his initial interaction with humanity by deception and twisting of God’s word (falsifying the truth): “Did God say?”

GOD’S TRUTH is the distillation filter. Watch!

Many may claim to be it. Few will characterize it.

Grace, mercy and peace to all God’s Elect. 


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