How it starts. 

Lies and crooked means are hugely and handsomely rewarded with financial gains. 

For example, you catch a stage-managed stealer who stole lots of money belonging to the people. You showcase and publicize it widely to generate public interest and talk. However, you then subtly let the thief slide; he gets away with it.

Public funds siphoned. National agitation aroused. Authorities move into full swing. Noise and more noise. Then radio silence. Crook walks free, after a televised circus dance with the crowned clowns. Rinse and repeat.

A launched script, cooked by a mastermind behind the scenes, enacted by paid puppets and featuring clueless collaborators. It becomes the template and typical narrative for public service in a given pre-developed country.

You are setting a subliminal precedent.

Subconsciously people are being taught or programmed to believe that it pays to lie or be corrupt; and that it does not pay to be honest and truthful in that system or society.

Slowly and surely, a society’s mind is set in concrete of lies. National conscience becomes charred and hardened by corruption and deceit.

You have destroyed that society.

When the evil seed of deception that has been sown grows, it produces full-blown, deep-seated a highly-enthroned wickedness or lawlessness in society.

Even the measures and structures put in place to implement or enforce law and order in the society, and to dispense justice and protect the rights of people will be deeply compromised, flawed and at the mercy of the highest bidding or more ruthless wolves and sharks.

The society has thus been caused, cursed or coded to destroy itself and disintegrate from within. 

When people lie to each other, it is natural that they cannot trust each other, so they suspect each other and nobody is certain who is telling the truth anymore. Infact, even the ones telling the truth may have an ulterior dishonest motive. 

Anyone and everyone is a suspect in a setting where anyone and everyone is prone to lying. 

Anyone who advises friends or partners to lie to each other has undermined the trust in that relationship, and thus its foundation.

Anyone who plants the seed of dishonesty in any human interaction will reap the harvest of effective (if not evident) destruction of that relationship. 

Lies are not just little things. They are potent mechanisms that can change the course of a family, group, organization or nation. 

Lies are extremely destructive dynamos. They are pregnant with history-altering giants that plunder entire civilizations.

To sow the seed of dishonesty in one individual is to gradually but powerfully install the invisible institution of distrust in a community.

It is to erect the towering edifice of discord and develop mansions of mediocrity amongst a people who would have hitherto been mighty.

Truth is the essential pillar of an integral life or society, without which things fall apart. 

Truth is only a luxury when dishonesty is the currency that yields the most value to the arbiters of societal disintegration. 

Honesty is the veritable legal tender with the power to purchase the rare commodity of sustainable trust, unfettered vulnerability, unlimited access and deepened peace of mind. 

Honesty or integrity dignifies a nation but lies or dishonesty is a raving reproach to any entity. 

Let there be a revival of honesty in the nation.

Let there be light of truth in this land.

Written by Dozie Osonkie 

(c) March 2024


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