Can a man manipulate God?

When a person has skillfully and successfully manipulated other people over the years to a point that they begin to believe that they can even manipulate God one way or the other, either through prayer, manipulation of His word or manipulation of His nature, then they have become deeply delusional. 

They are saying or implying, in effect, that man is sovereign and governing but God is subjective and gullible. 

This is the greatest of all delusions, in my estimation. 

Not only thinking that you are the greatest prophet of our times or the biggest deal since the Apostles. 

But even daring to think for a split second that you may be able to deceive or manipulate the Almighty and All Wise God who made that little brain of yours and gave you the capacity to think blasphemous thoughts about Him. 

That’s why someone can stand on the pulpit to boldly discredit the Aposolic doctrines written in the Bible but m will not dare to utter a word to offer a humble suggestion (not even correction) to the seriously da.mning heretical teachings of their spiritual daddies that clearly contradict the very words of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

That is why a preacher will clearly say that some of the teachings of Christ are stupid or that they were inserted by the colonialists and thus the Bible is not correct but corrupted by a human agenda (and by extension a satanist agenda).

That is why some Christian ministers think they can blatantly disobey, and teach men to disobey, the clearly written commands of Christ. 

That is why some preachers know the truth about tithing, prosperity gospel and giving money to multiply money but they won’t teach it because they are greedy for filthy lucre (dishonest gain). 

They would rather deceive people to enrich themselves, just like many typical Nigerians or Africans because of economic hardship, although that can never be a good justification for cr!me.

They don’t really care about people. Infact, if you want to help rescue people, they will tell you something like this: “Forget Nigerians/Africans. Is it these people that you want to k!ll yourself to save? Abeg collect your share and enjoy your life. God will understand and we will just ask Him for forgiveness and He will forgive us because He is a merciful God. Infact it is God who has cursed Nigerians and Africans to suffer in the midst of plenty. So leave them alone. Let them stay in the darkness of ignorance. Don’t tell them too much truth. Leave them alone.”

This is terribly saddening. This is tragic. 

Someone has actually told me sometime ago that we don’t need to tell people the truth. It was like saying that they don’t deserve it. Just leave the ignorant to be ignorant and let us who know some things use our knowledge to “lead” (by which they really mean, to control and exploit) them.

False leadership is worse than no leadership. In addition to the fact that “anything goes” just as if there was no leader, false leadership goes further to exploit and destroy those it should be serving. 

That’s the power of falsehood.

But even more disturbing and tragic is the thinking that virtually says: “God will understand and we will just ask Him for forgiveness (after deliberately deceiving and destroying the lives of fellow humans) and He will be so happy and excited to forgive us because God is Love. Let’s take undue advantage of His Mumu (Foolish) Love. You know we are so smart, so let’s manipulate the weak point of His Love. After all, Jesus is such a nice guy and He won’t mind if we keep slapping Him cheek after cheek (since that’s what He basically taught His f00lish followers) so let’s keep exploiting people and enriching ourselves after all are we not also teaching them so good things such as business and marriage principles. Let’s take their tithe and sacrificial offerings after all a servant is worthy of his wages. And if we can play our game well and have huge crowds and a good chunk of wealthy people in the mix, then we have made it big!”

Listen to the catch: “Even if we KNOW that these things are FALSE. Even if when we study diligently with all honesty, we will find out the truth. We don’t want the truth. We want the status quo that serves our interests. Only give us truth that serves our benefit. Outside that, we are okay with false doctrines and false gospels as long as it enriches us. Even if it sends multitudes to Hell. Are they not going to Hell already? With all their secret sins? Just leave those people. Take care of yourself first.  Collect your money. Give them empty-calories messages to stimulate a sugar-rush, energy-spike excitement and sweet, colorful, flavorful, tasty, fast, junk food. Let them keep coming for the illusion. Just take your money and take care of yourself and your family. God will still forgive all of us. They are sinners. We can exploit them. God is a merciful God.”

Then they look for disjointed verses from the Bible quoted out of context to justify their actions.

“We can eat the riches of the Gentiles as in their glory shall you boast” to and sw!ndle those who are thought to be unbelievers.

“Kings shall be your foster fathers and queens your nursing mothers.”

“I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places.”

Et cetera.

Deceiving themselves by attempting to manipulate the nature and word of God, like some people try to manipulate the laws of man in our society. 

Some even say that they can activate God to act in the material world (perhaps whenever they feel that He is inactive).

Some sincerely but ignorantly think they can manipulate 

Can a man manipulate God?

That is the delusion of all delusions.

This is the worst religious delusion of all.

This is an abomination that makes desolate.


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