Cowards are weak people who go for easy targets.
They like to show their supposed strength and superiority by oppressing those who are weaker.
They like to use those they can easily intimidate or incriminate (even if through falsehood) to “set an example” for others and thus instill fear or terror in others.
They are fake people who have no inner honor.
They only create the illusion of greatness.
Real warriors like David go for the toughest beasts like the wild bear and lion to protect or salvage vulnerable sheep.
They go after and slay the biggest gaint like Goliath in defense of the harassed and defenseless people of Israel.
That’s how to know real warriors from cowards.
You can’t be an ant, roach, rat or mosquito killer and be calling yourself a strong man or warrior.
Let’s see the battles you have fought and the warriors, champions, armies and nations you have defeated, before you take on the title and honor of greatness.
Are you a giant slayer or a chicken chaser?
Are you a true warrior or a little coward?
Truly great men protect the weak and vulnerable.
They go against wicked forces and evil giants.
Great men stand against oppression and !njustice.
Again I ask, are you a coward or a warrior?
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