I have said it before: believers should not engage in conversation with demonic spirits. 

In prayer, we speak to the Father, to the Lord. 

This is the teaching and example of Christ, His True Apostles and the New Testament/Early Church.

There is so much about spiritual warfare many professed Christians know little or nothing about.

Even the preaching or proclamation of the Gospel is doing warfare. 

It is not a joke or child’s play. 

Satan is not happy with anyone who is truly shining the light of God’s Truth into the world of darkness. People are not aware.

Living the godly life is warfare. 

The struggle to walk in the Spirit, in love, humility, self-denial, Christlikeness and please God versus walking in the flesh, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, pride, lies, financial dishonesty, sexual immorality, sinful conduct, selfishness, covetousness, etc is warfare too. 

Even learning to trust the Lord and not sink or fall into doubt and despair. 

Also going through persecution, unjust treatment and misrepresentation from the w!cked world.

Standing firm and contending for the truth!

Spiritual warfare includes the battle of God’s truth versus religious deception in our minds and in the minds of people. 

Simply doing true spiritual ministry or Kingdom service according to the Scripture is fighting the good fight of the faith delivered to the saints. 

Our prayer is communion or communication with God for strength, wisdom, more grace, boldness, continuous filling or saturation of the Spirit, His truth, illumination of the Scripture, mercy, intervention, provision, justice and righteous judgment, etc. 

True prayer is not to be conversing with or addressing demonic spirits. Or fighting and ‘firing’ demons. All that is mostly unnecessary distraction and exercise in futility mostly done out of fear and ignorance.


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