What is Worship?

Worship is reverential adoration and devotion.

It is the deeply embedded heart attitude and habitual practice of holding highest regard, giving supreme adulation, paying unparalleled homage, rendering foremost service or according topmost dedication to someone or something. 

Human beings were designed to worship.

This means, we are all naturally wired to be devoted to something or someone we reckon or perceive to be most grandiose or to be the greatest Thing or Being worthy of our keenest attention, truest affection, deepest love and highest loyalty.

Everyone has something or someone they hold very dear, adore, cherish and esteem highly. 

Some people, in a sense, worship or idolize the god of money, their careers, favorite celebrities, body, health, parents, romantic relationship, favorite child, cherished food, dream house, expensive jewelry, exquisite properties, prized possessions or accumulated assets. 

There is that inward default faculty of Man to give reverence or respect to, and to seek the approval of or assistance from, a Higher Power or Intelligence. 

Who or What is Worthy of Worship? 

As Christians, we know that we were created to worship God who is our Creator, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, as well as our Redeemer.

His Hallowed Name is Yahweh (YHWH).

He is The Sovereign LORD. God Almighty. 

We reverence Him as our Source, our Sustainer and our Salvation from eternal damnation. He is abundantly merciful, gracious and compassionate.

He is Himself Life and Life-giver. Without Him, we are absolutely nothing and doomed for damnation. 

He is the Creator of all, the Supreme Ruler, the Eternal King, the Most High, the Most Holy and the Ultimate Judge of all. He is intrinsically the greatest, mightiest, purest, truest and wisest of all. He is indeed most amazingly unfathomable, most awesomely inexhaustible and most wonderfully infinite! 

He has no beginning and no ending. He is unthinkably and unimaginably timeless, boundless and limitless in scope, form, knowledge, presence, wisdom, resources, power and every conceivable and inconceivable capacity.

Nothing and no one can ever or will ever be compared to Him throughout all of time, or the world's existence, from the past into the future, not even the most complex of any and every of His creations or of man's technologies. 

He is Himself the Beginning and End of all that has ever been, all that can ever be or that will ever be.

He is The Absolute Reference of Truth. 

He is Infinite Intelligence. The Ultimate Sovereign.

Whatever we put before Him, place next to Him or worship apart from or besides Him is an idol. This is a violation of The First Commandment in The Scripture: "You shall have no other gods but Me."

God is Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. Worshipping Him is a function or faculty of the Regenerated Heart or Born Again Spirit. 

Three Kinds of Worship 

Below are three broad categories of worship:

1. Worship of Self:

Self-worship is leading one's life essentially in ruthless or reckless pursuit of money and worldly passions or pleasures. It is to venerate, magnify, serve, follow, do the biddings of, submit to, love or obey The Self.

2. False Religious Worship:

False religion is being involved in religious activity or having a religious form, image or label without truly knowing the Lord Jesus, without receiving new life or a new heart from Him, surrendering to His will and denying self or dying to self-will. It is to be in religious deception, that is, deceived by false gospels, false prophets, false doctrines, spiritually fruitless head knowledge of The Bible or biblical facts about God, or pretentious conformity to religion. False religion is a major part of the ministry or mission of the devil. It really worships The Satan.

3. True Worship of The LORD:

True worship is obeying God's Word, which is doing The Will of The Father. It is pleasing God with one's life in thought, attitude, speech and action. It is to revere, fear, venerate, worship, submit to, and be dedicated, devoted or obedient to God. It is to walk in the Spirit and be committed to The Truth. It is to do God's Will, as articulated by The Gospel and documented in The Scripture. As John MacArthur puts it: “Duty is the highest form of worship.” Christian duty simply means obedience to God's Word which clearly written in The Scripture. 

Who Do You Worship?

So who do you worship? The Self, The Satan or The Scriptural God. Evaluate your own heart and life.


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