I'm grateful to God for Satan, and for false religion, false friends and true enemies. 

He used them remarkably to bring great help and honor on my life in a very unique and profound way. 

If only they knew how their wickedness would greatly profit me, they would not have done it to me, but they don't know "Anything": for what can blind eyes really see?

(Let the one who reads this understand). 

I'm tempted to thank them and give them roses, but it wasn't their intention to edify or glorify me as their works indeed did. "They meant it for evil but God..."

How shall these blind see The Way?

(Let the one who reads this understand). 

Many human beings have killed fellow human beings without conspicuous or visible weapons such as guns, knives, poisons, fights or direct altercations. 

They steal, kill and destroy with stealth and sleight of hand by sabotaging, supplanting, stopping or sitting on, underating or undermining the provisions and opportunities of people who they are determined to suppress, stifle, supplant, shatter and stamp out. 

Human servants of Satan.

Subtle technology maneuvers: The deleting of email drafts and working of wickedness. 

Compromised the elder one, fueled sibling rivalry and wrecked marriages. Bugged the interior by getting access through a mule. 

Monitoring eyes breeding misery for company. Shortchanging and underpricing. Manipulating the gullible even manipulating AI and ML to manipulate minds and narratives. Exploiting tenderness and forgiveness. Insulting God by debasing or destroying fellow man. 

"He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, But he who honors Him has mercy on the needy." (Proverbs 14:31)

I forgive them; they had expected misery and self-pity; therefore when I laughed they said it was fake. They spoke among themselves of instigating great inhumanity to fellow human with great subtlety. These are Satan’s stooges.

These are friendly enemies. False associates and their fellow satanic human extensions and networks.

They worked night and day, conspiring to distress and destroy. Secretly seeking how to sabotage. Reading the writings not to learn but to counteract the good which has been written to benefit people. 

Disguised as angels of light. Craftily poised as genuine beings. Deceiving their own souls.

Exposed but denying. Spying but lying.

Scorned the hunger yet took the funds. 

Stimulated the cravings with the artificial. 

Intentionally infecting with contaminants.

Investigating the elect as what case study?

Do they know what rewards really await them?

If they had known, they would surely esteem themselves wiser than this manifest utter folly in malicious conspiracies and ungodly schemes. 

This mercy, this truth has not been granted them

Yet God always sends a forewarning albeit ignored by the wicked and unjust. 

Hardened hearts pretending to be saviors. 

Fraternity of (Religious) Falsehood.

Den of (Spiritual) Darkness.

“Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell? Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city,” (Matthew 23:33,34)

Do you ask how man became a devil to fellow man? The devil deceived them and they serve him now. 

Time shall fade into oblivion. All these treasures they kill to have shall be history forever. 

Limited spirits. Dead to God. Slaves of Satan. Doing the biddings of their master and ending up in his eternal punishment. 

Satan uses any available Judases to betray, sabotage and crucify the True Christ. They use the name of Jesus for their personal benefit but reject the real Jesus. They don’t fight Mohammed or Buddha but they fight men with the Essence, Spirit Heart, Gospel and Doctrine of the True Christ. Selah!

“Many antichrists are now in the world.”

Setting bitter traps for fellow humans. Loving to puppeteer and toy with men as debased beings, helpless animals and useless perverts. Cruising with the pain of another. Gossiping with people's past and problems yet hiding their own secrets. 

Did you say wicked world? Are you part of it?

"Let God judge", right? After all, you're not perfect but we must make no such excuses for other people, right? Wonderful. 

I kept mute and took reproach and retribution.

I die daily. For me to die is gain.”

I pity these damned souls yet I suffer and sleep as they enjoy conscienceless fruits of their deception. They think they can deceitfully and craftily steal, kill and destroy then ask God for forgiveness; great plan and a foolish god that can be fooled by these wise men. Wonderful.

Men who have been fooled by the devil while they are busy trying to fool other men. 

They don't know that they have been deceived by Satan and won't know when what is coming comes.

The wise quickly and quietly excuse themselves to escape their company or camp of wrath. 

May the ensnared and captured souls of all God's Elect, those who hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness and truth, be delivered from these cultic religious strongholds. 

They are to be deeply pitied. Slaves of false Christs. Bowing down in worship to the Babylonia idol of gold. Led away by the yoke of mammon, the love of money being the premium of their entire existence. 

Unconfessed sins. Hardened by hypocrisy

No longer repenting, only pretending more and more. I won’t ask why. Let everyone be what they truly want to be. May God help all who seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. Amen. 

As for me, I rejoice greatly in the LORD. I am happy and joyful within, even if this outer tent wears.

But woe to those who are locked into this world, who have been deceived by The Old Serpent and are not known to The LORD.

I came to bear witness to the Truth; when purpose is fulfilled then "Home" I will go, fullness of joy, inheritance preserved and unable to be stolen, undermined or degraded by the evil one; the perfection of perfections, o what Everlasting Glory! Life Eternal. To God be the glory! 

They don't know why I smile. No, they can never really know, for it's beyond head knowledge or human understanding. If they knew, if they knew anything, they would not be wicked liars. Never. 


The LORD knows all. The LORD will repay. 

So I say: All thanks and praise be to the Sovereign LORD God, The Almighty. To Him be the glory! 


God be praised.


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