"And his master commended the unjust manager [not for his misdeeds, but] because he had acted shrewdly [by preparing for his future unemployment]; for the sons of this age [the non-believers] are shrewder in relation to their own kind [that is, to the ways of the secular world] than are the sons of light [the believers].

"And I tell you [learn from this], make friends for yourselves [for eternity] by means of the wealth of unrighteousness [that is, use material resources as a way to further the work of God], so that when it runs out, they will welcome you into the eternal dwellings."

(Luke 16:8-9 AMP)

The wicked manipulator plays games with people's hearts, minds and lives like he is “playing chess”.

He is intentional, strategic and smart but he is callous and corrupt. He is debasing and unethical. 

He is also audacious in his rough and boldfaced attempt at intimidation and suppression. 

He even looks for some twisted "biblical basis" (to accompany his concocted socioeconomic justification) for gross dishonesty, manipulation, underhandedness and utter ungodliness in masked intention and cunning action.

He thinks he finds his divine justification in the parable of the “dishonest steward (unjust manager)” who was fired by his boss for gross mismanagement of resources and later commended by the same boss for social skillfulness and shrewdness.

As seen in the story, the unexpected commendation was made for his thoughtful action in eliciting support by securing relationships that could help salvage him in the future when he may be needing help. 

Although this was achieved through through sleight of hand, being the dishonest man that he was, the minor kudos was about his alleged wisdom (albeit worldly) and ability to circumvent the bad situation by proactively engaging in swift and shrewd actions geared towards “preparing for his future of unemployment”. 

Like playing chess, right? Thinking ahead. Moving stealthily. Deflecting attention. Staging rebound. Strategy, strategy... Checkmate!

Different mindsets, differing perspectives. 

The meaning seems blurred.

What is the takeaway for the child of God? What is the morale for people of the light who are definitely not being encouraged by the Lord Jesus to compromise on the godly values of truth and honesty or to betray trust given to them?

The salient lesson here (skillfully hidden from the "evil eye" of the unjust but potentially visible to the spiritually discerning and godly heart) is not that we can be justifiably dishonest in any of our dealings or that it is okay to mismanage whatever resources we are custodian to. This is not promoting situational ethics. 

No, God is not a double-standard God. 

He is holy, just, impartial and all-knowing. 

Actually, ”God abhors dishonest weights, double standards, corrupt measurements, false judgments (includes false witness, false accusation and false advertising) and such malpractices

It is clearly stated in The Scripture that these practices are “an abomination to God”

The real gleanings of insight in this puzzling parable is that we should use our material resources as tools to further the work of God so that when it (the material resources and this material lifetime or present existence as a whole) all runs out, they (the fruit of our benevolence, contribution and investment in the work of the Lord) “will welcome us into eternal dwellings.” 

But note, eternal dwellings can be either in the Everlasting Kingdom of Heaven or in the Everlasting Lake of Fire. 

The wicked manipulator does not fear God because he does not truly know God.

As he does not know, he consequently does not love God. Thus, he cannot truly worship God.

Since he does not love God, he will not obey God.

Also because he doesn't know God, he cannot trust God as the Sovereign LORD.  

Therefore he feels the desperate and depraved need to control or manipulate people and situations, or to be subtle and cunning, in order to get his way in life.

He actually sees himself as the lord and master of his life, the controller of his destiny, and he will do literally anything to succeed materially or to achieve his selfish goals as long as he can get away with it, even if it means being dishonest, sketchy, shrewd, heartless, mean, malicious, double-faced, double-tongued, deceitful, backbiting, betraying, and hurting or taking undue advantage of other people. 

Even his kindest acts or seeming compassionate actions are laced with selfish, cruel and deceitful traps of spite or subtle manipulation.

He is unforgiving and when he feels offended, he will work doggedly to undermine, sabotage and destroy.

He is very wise in his own conceit but he is himself being manipulated by his own ego and emotions.

A subconscious slave of pervading and preeminent pride, prejudices and presumptions.

This tortuous personality is extremely self-centered with an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

He lies without flinching. A hardened soul. 

He violates privacy and spies illegitimately.

He easily gaslights people narcissistically and skillfully douses honest objections with sharp counter-attacks, guilt trips and projection tactics.

Rather than admit error and repent, he will cover up and silence or destroy the vessels or voices that God may be using to bring truth or some measure of correction.

The pride of Lucifer. The humility is spurious.

He has the muffled signs of a camouflaged criminal who is working behind the scenes to cause disunity, disaffection, discredit, distrust, disgrace and distress.

He seems deeply elated, excited, enthused and energised to see others fail and suffer.

Have you seen innate and intelligent wickedness!

An obnoxious usurper. An undercover foe sent to steal, kill and destroy. A heartless devilish persona.

Highly distrustful yet demanding to be trusted.

A secretive practitioner of satanism and occultism.

He spreads his tentacles to build networks he can use or manipulate at will among the high and low with all worldly wisdom and social skillfulness.

He uses people's vulnerabilities against them. 

He builds on loopholes to victimize others. 

He creates iniquity, insanity and infirmity.  

He has dexterity to devastate and destroy.

If only men's premeditated plots are known.

One day the hidden wicked doings will be seen.

The wicked manipulator is an abomination to God.

Truly, he is spiritually dead to God. He is not saved.

Yet he is among the leaders in Christian religion.

He preaches sermons and leads people.  

Mark these words: he is a child of Satan.

He is deeply deceived and deceiving others. 

He is spiritually lost, blind and dead.

He deceives and manipulates with religion. 

He does not have the Spirit of Jesus Christ. 

"He that has not the Spirit of Christ is none of His." 

Rather he turns many away from the Truth. 

"They must be silenced, because they are turning whole families away from the truth by their false teaching. And they do it only for money." (Titus 1:11)

His real god is Mammon. 

His main focus is money, might, power, prestige, privilege, status and success.

He is a rebels against the Lord Jesus Christ. 

He uses His Name but disobeys His Truth.

He destroys those who speak the Truth.

He persecutes those who belong to Christ. 

He does not even fear God.

If you hate Truth, Satan will love you. 

But he will lead you into deception. 

You may be enjoy this life very well. 

But you're out of the Purpose of God. 

The wicked manipulator is your angel. 

Your leader is the devil’s servant. 

Your role model is Yahweh's foe.

Compromised by materialism.

Derailed by the cares of this life.

Deluded by deceitfulness of riches.

He is an enemy of the Cross.  

He is heading to everlasting damnation.

He is leading you to the same destination.

His eternal punishment will be most severe.  

May God open his eyes to see his own iniquity. 

He needs to repent and cry out to God for Mercy! 

He needs to confess his wicked ways. 

God is just. God is true. God is gracious. God is love.

However, God cannot be mocked or ridiculed.

God is Absolutely Righteous, Mighty and Sovereign. 

All praise and glory be to His Holy Name.

(Refer to Luke 16:1-15 for the complete text). 


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