We can only judge ourselves. To try to judge others is to try to play God.

Truthfully, we cannot even judge ourselves most accurately until God helps us by first opening our eyes to our own hidden flaws and then helping us to come to the place of acknowledgement, repentance and surrender. A good example of hidden flaws is pride or greed or envy enshrined deeply within the heart. If we are very sincere, humble ourselves before God and ask Him to search us, He certainly will. He usually uses unlikely circumstances and unlikely people to reveal to us our hidden and secret flaws. He loves us so much. He will gently nudge us. He does all this to bring us into a deeper love walk with Him and to grow us in spiritual maturity to be more like Him.

Indeed, the heart of fallen man is potentially, desperately and inherently evil, deceitful above all things, who can know it? It takes a life that is controlled by the Holy Spirit to truly please God from within, and to lay down self-will. It takes a process of breaking and surrender. It is not instant. It's a lifelong journey on a road less traveled by self-preserving mortals. But most blessed, and to be envied even by angels, are those on this beautiful journey to becoming more like Christ and having His image formed in them. This is the true Christian walk. Again, this is beyond religion and attending "church".

True humility or wisdom is understanding and accepting that there are levels of spiritual development with God, that we utterly need Him to help us in continuous transformation into higher levels of maturity and that we cannot assume or jump to conclusions about other people. We can see the fruit in their lives. But we should only judge ourselves, knowing that it is God who can accurately see and judge the thoughts and intentions of everyone's heart.


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