Now let's talk to a few pseudos...
(Disclaimer: Brace yourself! This may hurt a bit but no harm intended. Should be graciously received. Written only "to whom it may concern". And without mincing words. It's straight up. One love.)
There is really no such thing as 'secret' or 'hidden' Christian living. Like secret love or secret pregnancy, that's more often than not a fabrication.
You may say you worship God 'privately' and that you don't "flaunt your faith". Congratulations! But you are quick to ecstatically post a picture you took with your so-called "celebrity crush" for the world to see that you do know them. No newsworthy crush on Jesus, too?
Of course, you should NEVER be a hypocrite, showcasing outwardly what is not an inward reality or authentic experience. But you know what? Subtle Satan may have just succeeded in cornering you into a psychological hole with a powerfully dis-empowering thought. You say you're not perfect, you don't like to make noise, you do your own Christianity quietly because you don't want to claim to be a holy Mary or holy Moses with all these people and their plenty "Jesus talk". Falsity, dear, and big one at that. Even the greatest men of God that millions adore are not perfect. Get close to them.
Fact is, you are ashamed of Jesus in front of your peers. You really don't love Him. Love don't lie. The same you that posts about money, business, lifestyle and all that "good life", "success motivation" or light stuff for comic relief. Be sincere. You've not truly encountered this Jesus Christ. Nobody encounters Him and remains the same. Remember the Samaritan woman. Was she holy? But after the life-changing encounter with Awesome Jesus, she couldn't help but broadcast, evangelize and speak out about Him to the entire city in her own authentic, inspiring and wholehearted way. It really shows. You can't fake or force it. It flows. This thing called love and life and passion and transformation and heart and soul. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. You talk about what you're passionate about. Only a matter of time, it will show. Your truth.

Maybe you were even raised in church or perhaps you were heavily involved in "church work", "ministry" and Christian leadership before (been there, done that, too), doing the work of God without truly "knowing" the God of the work. Maybe you were disappointed or hurt by "church people" and have essentially lost your fervency and fire for God. You're "taking it easy now". Hey! Don't let Crooked Lucifer do that to you. No. You are made in God's Image. And He is your Destiny. There's nothing outside Him. And you're nothing without Him.
You see, if you hit jackpot, a historic milestone, big money or mind-blowing fame, your excitement will not be contained. So tell yourself the truth: you haven't meet Jesus. You don't know Him. If you truly did, you'd love Him. You'll literally be obsessed with Him. He is that fabulous, one on one. Trust me. You need to humble yourself and seek Him now that there is still time.
If you're worried about you not being qualified, no one is qualified. Every great minister had issues or weaknesses that God had to deal with so He could use them. Really, they're still work in progress, if they can be truthful. Plus, if you're really serious about pleasing God or serving Him, ask Him for grace, growth and guidance. Ask Him to work on you. It's not by power or might. It's solely by His Spirit. Humble yourself. It's not about you. God uses the unqualified so that the glory goes to Him, not to man.
Finally, a sobering thought: Jesus said He would deny before His Father and the angels all those who deny Him before men. He who wouldn't even deny the woman caught in very act of adultery but rather gave her mercy and hope to "go and sin no more". Yet He would deny those who deny or are ashamed of Him before men. Selah.


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