The mind is programmable. Matter of fact, everyone is running on a certain mental programming, known or unknown to them. From birth and infancy, the involuntary programming begins, encoding subconscious data to our ab-initio tabula rasa mind pad from our background, experiences, exposures, environment, interactions, learning, culture, education, religion, family, etc. Any dysfunctional experience has the potential of making a dysfunctional imprint on our minds. That's why people who have had dysfunctional relationships or families are dysfunctional in some way and must not deny it but accept it and work at overcoming and even mastering that dysfunction or potential for dysfunction in their future relationships. This is because the subconscious mind is like a computer and functions based on the subconscious coding it receives from its programmer, whoever or whatever that is. 

Many people are running on terrible mental scripts but the worst part is that they are largely unaware of this, because it is at the subconscious level, requiring intention and introspection to decipher or decode. Many people are struggling through life with non-diagnosed and unidentified psychological disorders with deep-seated and undercover mental or emotional dysfunctions. 

The mind is a powerful tool, for good or for evil, depending on the source of its operational inspiration and information, and thus its subconscious programming. That's why it's so important to take charge of your own mental coding. As much as possible, you have to choose your optimum mental associations and mind exposures. You must be conscious and deliberate about your mental scripting vis-à-vis where you're headed in life, what type of future you envisage and what automated outcomes you are creating. You also have to build in a strong perspective and interpretation to life. To achieve this, you will, more often than not, need to debug or detoxify your psychological system of mental bugs and emotional toxins. You do all this to maintain a healthy, wholesome, positive, powerful, productive and effective life. 

The quality of "psychological scripting" on heart and mind will determine the quality of individual life and interpretation of life. This is the psychological foundation and framework of true personal success.


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