God is NOT a religion. True Christianity is not a religion. There's a marked difference between having God and having a religion. 
God is love. And love is beyond religion. So, God is beyond religion. Religion is mainly a matter of compliance with rules, rites or rituals. Religion has a form or 'similitude' of godliness but denies, refuses or fails to practically experience the true 'power' or essence of spiritual life.
Colonialism brought with it a religion-mutated 'God' to Africa and, while helping us to read and write, it robbed us not only of our material wealth but also of our identity. It gave us the similitude of an empowering education but which encapsulated a deep-set need for dependence and a dis-empowering sense of inferiority, making us aspire to be more like another and less like ourselves.
Commendably, 'imported' religion was a blessing as it propagated the work of God by illuminating our darkness; but the goodly missionaries and saintly emissaries may largely not have really known the true essence of the God they were trying to tell us about. God is Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He sent Jesus to die for the sins of the world and restore man's relationship with Him NOT to start a religion. The entire Bible is ONE STORY by ONE AUTHOR. It takes the true Spirit of God to understand this. There is NO religion in the only true God.
Religion is burdensome, ritualistic, elitist, divisive, confusing and conceited. Many people mistake religion for true experiential knowledge of God. They practice religion by observing liturgies, ceremonies, rituals or rites, by saying prayers and adhering to certain sectarian rules. But 'true religion' or the spiritual worship of God is to fear God, to seek and love Him in spirit and truth, to walk peaceably and humbly before Him, to do justly and to love our fellow humans as our own selves. 
God is not a religion. God is love. Peace!


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