
Showing posts from August, 2024


  “ Salvation is forever. You don’t get it, and l0se it, and hopefully get it back again; it is forever .” (John MacArthur, Bible teacher and author) As for the d€vil, he wishes a believer can l0se their salvation, that’s why he brings temptations to introduce sin to the physical experience of believers. He wishes that by making you fall into sin, he has succeeded in making you l0se your salvation. Do you see his mal€volent game now? So he tempts you into str!fe, wr@th, lust, pride, greed, envy, partiality, impure thoughts, and all manner of works of the flesh to tackle and trip you mentally or emotionally into thinking or feeling that you have lost your exclusive “saved” status. But that’s a f00l’s game. He is totally wrong. He uses f@lse friends and f@lse believers to accomplish this s@d!stic endeavor. But do you know what Christ said about those who cause others to stumble or s!n? It’s most h0rrible and t€rrible; you should research it—if you care to know. The d€vil also uses false


  Sometimes you see a child doing something out of lack of knowledge, experience or understanding. You may smile, ignore, teach or correct them. They may ‘see’ or ‘not see’ what you’re saying. Sometimes, the issue is with your communication. Other times, regardless of how you communicate, they may still not comprehend the depth and importance of what you’re saying. Until later, perhaps. Or maybe, never. But most times, until sometime later, it will begin to make sense and understanding will dawn on them. This understanding may be precipitated by certain events and experiences.  When Christ looked at those who crucified Him, He made certain unique statements worthy of note. He prayed the Father’s forgiveness for the fundamental ignorance they had demonstrated in their act of conspiracy, injustice and cruelty.  Why did He pray for them to be forgiven (obviously from the looming consequences) rather than feel sorry for Himself? Why did He also ask those weeping for Him to rather weep for


Dearly Beloved Believer in Christ, PLEASE, focus and major on knowing, growing in and sharing the Truth of God in CHRIST JESUS!!! You see and I see why I find lesser utility for pages or platforms that focus more or major on sharing and studying the errors, falsehoods or deceptions. Rather than spending more time and energies or resources on presenting and promoting TRUTH. By all means, highlight, analyze and discuss the root and fruit of false ‘Christian’ doctrines but do that in the Glorious Light of the TRUE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and Scripturally sound doctrine/truth. Seek and study Truth! Yours in His Precious Service, ‘ Dozie Osonkie  “Bearing witness to the TRUTH!”


(A different kind of post to stimulate your mind) Life is mathematics.  Numbers. Figures. Values. Digits. Statistics. Quantities. Measurements. Operations. Order. Addition. Subtraction. Multiplication. Division. Sums. Differences. Products. Quotients. Relationships. Constants. Variables. Factors. Functions. Inputs. Outputs. Dimensions. Proportions. Percentages. Ratios. Samples. Sets. Syntax. Strings. Space. Signs. Symbols. Shapes. Slopes. Points. Paths. Perimeters. Properties.  Data. Analysis. Entries. Results. Equations. Formulas. Rules. Indices. Metrics. Trends. Patterns. Forecasts. Predictions. Applications. Calculations. Simulations. Permutations. Combinations. Differentials. Interrelations. Correlations. Iterations. Generalization. Abstraction. Precision. Manipulations. Transformations. Logic. Arrays. Arrangements. Binary. Multiples. Odds. Evens. Angles. Inclinations. Deviations.  Trajectories. Projectiles. Knowns and unknowns. And ultimately, solutions. The whole works. Firstly,


  LONGEVITY? How long is “long life”? It is practically quantified based on man’s earthly experience over time. This passage of time is measured with man’s unit of time measurement using the clock and calendar, and is graduated into: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, generations, etc. Historically, life expectancy has reduced drastically from somewhere in the neighborhood of (but has never been up to) 1,000 years to barely ten percent of that number, approximately (yet often not up to, and in rare cases barely a few decades above) 100 years. In Ancient Bible times, the man who was reported to have lived the longest life died at the age of 969 years of age. His name was Methuselah the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah. (The Holy Bible in Genesis 5:27) In contemporary times, “the oldest man ever was Jiroemon Kimura from Japan, who lived to the age of 116 years 54 days and died in 2013. The world's oldest living woma


  If God has not physically healed you or a particular person of a certain health condition but you claim that He has just to impress people or as a make-belief ‘testimony’, perhaps as you may claim to ‘boost’ the faith of others or to ‘attract’ people to your religious group in the guise of bringing them to Christ, then you have borne false witness of God. Why do you want to manipulate things and yet claim that it was God who did it without your knowledge, cooperation or participation? What if He wants to use the particular situation differently for His glory? Do you really know? Also, if you did not get a certain privileged position or opportunity to get wealth through a manner that is perceptibly Divinely orchestrated but you actually cut corners or unethically wriggled your way to get it, and you fabricate lies to make it seem like it was a sudden and unexpected ‘miracle’ from God that you absolutely had no hand in and knew absolutely nothing about, even though you may claim or aff


  Christ asked His disciples a critical question about knowledge of His Core Identity, both among men and among themselves who were following Him. Everyone must come face to face with this question:  WHO DO YOU KNOW (AND SAY) THAT HE IS? Who is He to you? As the disciples recounted to Christ, some people said that He was one of the major Prophets of God. However, to those to whom the Father reveals Him, He is “THE CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD!” This is the defining knowledge that determines who a person becomes and how they operate their lives. Beyond head knowledge, which may be abstract, esoteric, progressive, likely detached from one’s personality or reality, and mostly incomplete. It is the Divine Revelation of “The Christ” to the very heart and core consciousness of man. The deeply known and personally encountered heart knowledge (epignosis) that is literally and powerfully experienced beyond any reasonable uncertainty or unbelief, as the substantive fact. A complete, full, preci


  The temptations of Christ were tempting because he was first shown what He could have gained by doing what He was not supposed to do, with respect to God’s Plan and Blueprint for Him.  Temptations are essentially and especially more tempting when we have been taken to a height of perceived superiority, success or power or actually offered a high place which is absolutely appetizing to our sensory perception but is completely and effectively outside God’s Mandate or Purpose for our lives. It won’t be a temptation if there were no alluring offers of things utterly desirable which would take us outside the purview of God’s Will for our lives. The standard rules of responses to multifaceted temptation are the same, as Truth is basically timeless and borderless, but never is it fundamentally lawless and pointless. “Man shall not live BY BREAD ALONE.” “You shall WORSHIP the LORD your God,  And HIM ONLY SHALL YOU SERVE.” “You shall NOT put the LORD your God TO TEST.” Personal Reflections: 


In this piece, I discusss Believers’ essential goal as luminaries and catalysts in human society. Firstly, let’s look at the key terms of our subject. 1. THE LUMINARY In its basic and archaic meaning, a luminary is a natural light-giving body, especially the sun or moon. Simply put, a body that gives light. In its usage or reference to human beings, a luminary is said to be a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere.  To be luminous means to be brilliant intellectually; to be enlightened or enlightening, and it can refer to a writer or a writer's works, or to a concept or any piece of literary, creative or social work. 2. THE CATALYST A catalyst is generally defined as a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. In application to humans, the word catalyst is used to describe a person or thing that precipitates an event. Or simply put, an event or person causing a


Thank God for your beauty, brawn, brains or bucks. But do not let intellect, good looks, money or fame trip or blindside you into believing your own press. Acknowledge “the good thing” in you, which as a child of God is Christ in you : His Life, Spirit, Truth. Yes, have a modest and honest evaluation of you. Do not overcompensate for your inner emptiness by overhyping yourself with an enamored exterior. Look into the mirror of God’s Word, which is the Ultimate Truth and see from His Perspective. You are created by God in His Image/Likeness. You have sinned and fallen short of His Holy Glory. You are dead in your trespasses in need of saving. You cannot save yourself and must look to Christ. You need God’s Help—Grace and Truth in Christ. You are nothing without God’s Mercy in salvation. You are headed to Eternal Damnation outside Him. No man is deserving of His Grace; it is unmerited. All who receive Grace are deeply grateful to God. Their lives are marked by genuine gratitude to Him. T


How do I say this nicely? It takes a fundamentally or spiritually ignorant and unlearned person to treat anyone unjustly. Why do I say this? A fundamentally or spiritually aware or enlightened person does not delight in injustice or wickedness. Why? Are they afraid of anyone or anything? No, they know certain critical truths about God. They hold deep insights into the purpose of life. They have seen the original blueprint of Creation. They understand things from a higher perspective. They deeply recognize the value of a human soul. They can see the spiritual state of human beings. They are aware of the spirits behind every person. They know that even a child has justice with God. They know what Almighty God requires of man. They humble their hearts under the Hand of God. They fear God in the truest or purest sense of it. - - - Let me say it another way.  If God wants to punish someone severely in Hell, He allows them to do much harm to others. For example, before God took specific acti


Consider Paul’s warning to Timothy. “Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.” (1 Timothy 4:1, NLT) There is definitely a spirit behind the huge following and massive success of false religions all over the world, including and especially false Christianity.  Or do you think it is man’s sole invention without the aid of any spiritual inspiration or influence? There is indeed a definite spiritual force behind these false religions and false doctrines. And it’s not the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  Now, who do you think the spirit is? Who do you think wants to deceive mankind and lead them away from the true God and true Christ, while making them think they are worshipping God? Who do you think benefits more from man going the wrong direction in regards to knowing God? God’s archenemy, of course. The Devil himself. No need to think too much or reinvent the wheel.


  Knowledge of different kinds may be bought and taught from and by different sources or quarters. However, the revelation knowledge of God (who is Spirit) is not bought but ‘caught’ as it were in man’s spirit by and from the Spirit of the Living God. This generates living faith which is unto salvation. It gives birth to spiritual life/growth/walk with God. A man may buy a copy or copies of the ‘Holy Bible’. He may read and fill his head with vast knowledge from the Scriptures, the documentation of Truth. But it is the Spirit of God who illuminates the Word or Truth of God to man’s heart or living conscience. It is the Spirit of God, who authored or inspired the Scriptures and who resides as the Potency in the Word of God, that leads a person to know God who is revealed fully and wholly in the Person and Work (Gospel) of Christ the Savior and the Everlasting Lord and King. The Spirit of God, being the Spirit of Truth, brings a man to the effective and saving knowledge of God with the S


Hello, please take a good listen to this. This is not just noise. It is Ultimate Truth told. Except God changes a person’s heart, we can only do a limited or shallow work by our words or deeds. God through one of His prophets declared in Scripture that “the heart of man is deceitful above all else and desperately wicked, who can know it?” That’s why the pure Gospel of Christ is important to be used as a vital tool by the Spirit of God. It is necessary in opening the spiritual eyes/insight/inner sight/understanding/perspective, or to touch/awaken/change the spiritual heart/core of a person to see and understand their spiritual condition. All of this, of course, is from the Divine ‘Point of View’ (POV) of the Perfectly and Infinitely Holy God. Note: God is Holy (Different) from fallen man because He is perfectly sinless, just, good, etc. Fallen man is different from God because he has, through the rebellion of disobedience, fallen short of the Pure Perfection and Grandiose Glory of God.


Generosity is a great virtue. It is an attribute of great personalities. The art of giving is a wonderful work. A generous person is a beauty to behold. A generous friend is a treasure to have. Having generous people around you is special. Being a generous person is even more fulfilling. But being totally stingy and selfish is a recipe for a miserable life, regardless of how much you have. A stingy person does not know the pure joy that comes from giving to meet the needs of others. Having stingy friends is worse than having poor friends.  A person who is not generous won’t help even when they have the means, as much as a generous person who shares even the little that they have.  It’s about who people are from the inside, not just their external conditions or circumstances. It is a state of the heart of a person. When a generous person has the means, you will feel the impact of their presence in your life through their selflessness and genuine benevolence. With a generous friend, you


  What a story!  They moved to set her up for public ridicule. They selectively targeted her for slut-shaming. ‘Twas a nice opportunity to also test Son of Man. They tagged her an adulteress caught in very act. They dragged her, wanting to totally destroy her. Wicked religionists who were hiding their own sins. Hateful hypocrites who victimized the vulnerable. They didn’t know they transported her to Messiah.  They didn’t realize He had set them up to see her.  Their dragging had set her up for Divine Encounter. Human bitterness had led to Heavenly forgiveness. They had brought her from her sin to her Savior. They had sought to torment her and tempt Him. A double-pronged plot of double-tongued men. But arrogant ignoramuses often underestimate. Their desire to expose her led to her deliverance. They’d led her to the place she would meet I Am. The end of the road where God always shows up. The exact place God wanted her to be, right then. They took her to the One who saves and forgives.


“Salvation is forever. You don’t get it, and lose it, and hopefully get it back again; it is forever.” (John MacArthur, Bible teacher and author) As for the devil, he wishes a believer can lose their salvation, that’s why he brings temptations to introduce sin to the physical experience of believers. He wishes that by making you fall into sin, he has succeeded in making you lose your salvation. Do you see his malevolent game now? So he tempts you into strife, wrath, lust, pride, greed, envy, partiality, impure thoughts, and all manner of works of the flesh—to tackle and trip you mentally and emotionally into thinking and feeling that you have lost your exclusive saved status. But that’s a fool’s game. He is totally wrong. He uses false friends and false believers to accomplish this sadistic endeavor. But do you know what Christ said about those who cause others to stumble or sin? It’s most horrible and terrible; you should research it—if you care to know. The devil also uses false tea