“ Salvation is forever. You don’t get it, and l0se it, and hopefully get it back again; it is forever .” (John MacArthur, Bible teacher and author) As for the d€vil, he wishes a believer can l0se their salvation, that’s why he brings temptations to introduce sin to the physical experience of believers. He wishes that by making you fall into sin, he has succeeded in making you l0se your salvation. Do you see his mal€volent game now? So he tempts you into str!fe, wr@th, lust, pride, greed, envy, partiality, impure thoughts, and all manner of works of the flesh to tackle and trip you mentally or emotionally into thinking or feeling that you have lost your exclusive “saved” status. But that’s a f00l’s game. He is totally wrong. He uses f@lse friends and f@lse believers to accomplish this s@d!stic endeavor. But do you know what Christ said about those who cause others to stumble or s!n? It’s most h0rrible and t€rrible; you should research it—if you care to know. The d€vil also uses fa...