The assembly of believers needs to cut out unnecessary activities in corporate worship meetings (church services) to focus more on sound teaching, reading or study of Scripture; singing hymns and spiritual songs; praising God and praying together in unity! True Churches focus on edifying the sheep so they grow spiritually to know, love, trust, obey or serve God better. We should as a responsible group support the overseeing elders or pastor-teachers who labor in the ministry of the word. We should also share our material things with each other, helping to meet the needs of fellow children of God. Our giving should be voluntary, quiet and with proper accountability. Here, it will take people who are genuinely saved: who have the holy fear of God and brotherly love for people; who walk in truth, righteousness and good conscience. Our gathering of God’s people is not designed towards entertaining the goats so as to excite them carnally and collect money from them; otherwise it has be...