
Showing posts from March, 2024


The assembly of believers needs to cut out unnecessary activities in corporate worship meetings (church services) to focus more on sound teaching, reading or study of Scripture; singing hymns and spiritual songs; praising God and praying together in unity! True Churches focus on edifying the sheep so they grow spiritually to know, love, trust, obey or serve God better.  We should as a responsible group support the overseeing elders or pastor-teachers who labor in the ministry of the word. We should also share our material things with each other, helping to meet the needs of fellow children of God. Our giving should be voluntary, quiet and with proper accountability. Here, it will take people who are genuinely saved: who have the holy fear of God and brotherly love for people; who walk in truth, righteousness and good conscience. Our gathering of God’s people is not designed towards entertaining the goats so as to excite them carnally and collect money from them; otherwise it has be...


I have said it before: believers should not engage in conversation with demonic spirits.  In prayer, we speak to the Father, to the Lord.  This is the teaching and example of Christ, His True Apostles and the New Testament/Early Church. There is so much about spiritual warfare many professed Christians know little or nothing about. Even the preaching or proclamation of the Gospel is doing warfare.  It is not a joke or child’s play.  Satan is not happy with anyone who is truly shining the light of God’s Truth into the world of darkness. People are not aware. Living the godly life is warfare.  The struggle to walk in the Spirit, in love, humility, self-denial, Christlikeness and please God versus walking in the flesh, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, pride, lies, financial dishonesty, sexual immorality, sinful conduct, selfishness, covetousness, etc is warfare too.  Even learning to trust the Lord and not sink or fall into doubt and despair.  Also going...


  Let me use this day to reiterate the Scriptural truth of the Resurrection: that Christ rose physically from the dead! First let me say that, churchgoers mostly emphasize the Resurrection of Christ almost only on a particular day in the whole year, and mostly as a recurring religious ritual, rite, ceremony or celebration.  However, believers should talk about it everyday or any day because of its utmost significance as the most important event in the history of this world.  It signifies a whole lot! It calls for the highest joy! That any man who is in Christ will live again forever!  The bodies of believers will rise again unto eternal life after physical death. We will be given heavenly, immortal bodies that can live in the Kingdom of Heaven. “For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the...


  Something happened yesterday that highlighted a food-for-thought moment for me. I got a call in the afternoon from someone who needed a certain professional service and asked for the contact of someone who had provided a service for me in that area.  I immediately remembered how the person had done that job, quite unsatisfactorily, and that it was even pending finalization, with delays and excuses that didn’t quite add up which left me with a not-so-good impression about the situation.  When I do a job, I like to do it well. To do a shabby job is both to disrespect oneself as a professional service provider and to disrespect the customer you are serving. It’s better not to do a job than to do it with less than noble motive or intent. Anyways, I would not say much or go into details but it seemed to me that this professional was trying to take personal and undue advantage of an apparent adversity which he may have heard about, or he may have had some other ulterior motiv...


⏺️ Synopsis: The archenemy of God and man, namely Satan, does not deploy his attack or conspiracy against spiritual nonentities or scriptural ciphers. You can be absolutely certain sure of this. Reference what he did through the powers that be at critical and strategic moments in history: the birth of Moses and the birth of Christ, depicting God’s salvific dispensations with Israel (physical typology) and the Church (spiritual reality). Juxtapose these similar occurrences with what the devil also did when the Church of Christ was effectively birthed, after Christ had fulfilled His Messianic work and ascended and the Holy Spirit us descended. Also relate this with what he continued and continues to do in the historical period and contemporary times of the existence of the Church or in lives of those who truly and faithfully follow the Spirit and teachings of the True Scriptural Christ. Thus, you have solace in Christ if you find traces or patterns of this phenomenon in your personal lif...


  How it starts.  Lies and crooked means are hugely and handsomely rewarded with financial gains.  For example, you catch a stage-managed stealer who stole lots of money belonging to the people. You showcase and publicize it widely to generate public interest and talk. However, you then subtly let the thief slide; he gets away with it. Public funds siphoned. National agitation aroused. Authorities move into full swing. Noise and more noise. Then radio silence. Crook walks free, after a televised circus dance with the crowned clowns. Rinse and repeat. A launched script, cooked by a mastermind behind the scenes, enacted by paid puppets and featuring clueless collaborators. It becomes the template and typical narrative for public service in a given pre-developed country. You are setting a subliminal precedent. Subconsciously people are being taught or programmed to believe that it pays to lie or be corrupt; and that it does not pay to be honest and truthful in that system or...


Can a man manipulate God? When a person has skillfully and successfully manipulated other people over the years to a point that they begin to believe that they can even manipulate God one way or the other, either through prayer, manipulation of His word or manipulation of His nature, then they have become deeply delusional.  They are saying or implying, in effect, that man is sovereign and governing but God is subjective and gullible.  This is the greatest of all delusions, in my estimation.  Not only thinking that you are the greatest prophet of our times or the biggest deal since the Apostles.  But even daring to think for a split second that you may be able to deceive or manipulate the Almighty and All Wise God who made that little brain of yours and gave you the capacity to think blasphemous thoughts about Him.  That’s why someone can stand on the pulpit to boldly discredit the Aposolic doctrines written in the Bible but m will not dare to utter a word to of...


  God’s Mercy is Perfect. The truly contrite are forgiven.  The Savior saves the most sinful. God’s Justice is Perfect. The wicked will not unpunished. Eternal judgment is duly reserved. Real enemies are genuinely unhappy or upset. Their anger and frustration can be visibly seen. The correction or rebuke is actually expressed. The misunderstanding can be clearly identified. The conflict can then be appropriately resolved.  If and when reconciliation is genuinely sought. False friends are secret haters who smile at you. Their hatred and envy is deep and is dangerous. They are not interested in building a relationship. They do not care about you or your wellbeing. They have their agenda and are only using you. Your loyalty and submission to them is their aim. They want to gain your trust and your affection. They want to have unlimited access to your life. They want to control, manipulate and exploit you. They may even want to destroy you completely. Judas knew his master wa...


LOVE IS THE FRUIT OF TRUE CHRISTIANITY  The Lord Jesus Christ made a powerful point with the Pharisee and taught a lingering lesson from the Levite in the story of the Samaritan: love is the true and pure ‘religion’ that God requires.  Confirmed by Christ when He was asked what the greatest law was, love for God and for our fellow humans is the greatest law of God and the summation and summary of all the laws of God. Paul, the apostle of Christ to the Gentile world, made an insightful conclusion in his letter to the church in Corinth: knowledge puffs up but love builds up. He also wrote a famous chapter on love in which emphatically stated that every form of knowledge, ability, spirituality, service, sacrifice or giving done without love is completely useless. In other words, everything said to be “spiritual or religious” is spiritually devoid of life, bereft of value, empty, barren and fruitless. It is like planting a seed and nurturing it for several years into a huge tree s...


  Cowards are weak people who go for easy targets. They like to show their supposed strength and superiority by oppressing those who are weaker. They like to use those they can easily intimidate or incri minate (even if through falsehood) to “set an example” for others and thus instill fear or terror in others. They are fake people who have no inner honor.  They only create the illusion of greatness. Real warriors like David go for the toughest beasts like the wild bear and lion to protect or salvage vulnerable sheep.  They go after and slay the biggest gaint like Goliath in defense of the harassed and defenseless people of Israel.  That’s how to know real warriors from cowards. You can’t be an ant, roach, rat or mosquito killer and be calling yourself a strong man or warrior. Let’s see the battles you have fought and the warriors, champions, armies and nations you have defeated, b efore you take on the title and honor of greatness.  Are you a giant slayer or a ...


  The Prayer of Christ for His People.  “Santify (set them apart) BY YOUR #TRUTH” Are you still playing with Truth?  You think truth doesn’t matter?  Or you say no Divine truth?  God has no truth, no reality, no rules, no laws, no standard, no correct perception of things, no substantive facts of who He is and want He wants or what pleases Him, no reason or purpose why He created man, no Divine intention, no accurate information or veracious account what was, what is and what shall be?  No fixed, timeless, constant or unchanging truth?  You believe that?  That means, no God.  It means, you are essentially, technically and functionally an atheist even though you say you’re a Christian. That’s just a meaningless label or at best one used for situational ethics or religious correctness.  In other words, it’s a lie.  You see there’s a logical basis for saying certain people are fa.lse Christs, fa.lse Christians, fa.lse prophets or


  Do you really realize how deeply and intensely the Pharisees, chief priests, elders and the majority of the Jewish people hated Christ? After all the good things He had done for people. What terrible wrong had He done to them? What bad thing did He even do to them? If not cooked up accusations and twisted stories forged against Him to make Him look like an evil person so that they would justify their intended plan of wickedness against Him. If not carefully and cunningly devised schemes to find or fashion something unwholesome and apparently un.forgivable or d*mnable to use against Him?  What had Jesus actually done to them to deserve such intensity of hatred? It was deeply destructive, desperately wicked and demonically powered hatred originating from Satan. It was almost unexplainable. It was not normal. Definitely, spirits were involved in the matter. Sadly, there are many people who don’t believe in Christ today, including the Jews of today.  Even more sadly, there ...


Identity is basically who or what a person or thing is. Like physical identity, spiritual identity is basic and core to a person. Knowing who you are is totally important to being yourself.  Never pander to the muddled identities of a society or social setting that has no true moral compass or standard set of values, laws or norms which are sacrosanct. Don’t be lost in the crowd of blurred identities. Knowing identity defines boundaries and capacities. It clarifies roles and responsibilities. It also elicits expectations.  It may or may not be necessary to tell other people or some persons, depending on the value of the information to the persons involved in any given situation or interaction. However, you must know it for yourself regardless of the circumstance you find yourself in. Ignorance of self or one’s identity is fundamental ignorance. Self awareness is a very important and powerful component of life. It’s not humility for a lion to think it’s Mickey Mouse. It is conf...


  In my view, the wrath of a woman can be likened to the Justice of God on the foolish and wicked. Let me explain. In limited context, the wrath of woman can be inflamed to the point of senselessly making her to put her own life on hold and pause her own happiness just to pursue an ignoble cause in vengeance and retribution, or in a bid to get her pound of flesh.  It is like fire that consumes till its object of destruction is incombustible ashes. It leaks up the animate and inanimate without recourse to human sympathy or feelings.  Do you now see why the Scripture states: “It is fearful and terrifying thing to fall into the Hands of the Living for our God is a consuming fire!” This speaks to the Justice of God and to the Wrath of God against all unrighteousness, wickedness and rebellion against His holy law. The law is blind and justice is unbiased.  Transgression must be punished or forgiven.  The debt must be truthfully acknowledged.  Yet when the punis...