No bibilical record of any Apostle of Christ collecting tithes. No biblical record of anyone in the New Testament paying tithes. But you smart religious man has greater revelation to pay and collect tithes because?

“Because?” Tell me, if you will please.

It’s a biblical observation then a question. Why?

Any Scriptural New Testament doctrinal basis?

If for good reason with biblical validity, then fine. 

But not as manipulation or guilt tripping.

Rather as a biblically sound and personally responsible, selfless decision made with understanding of the need and importance of committing a certain amount of one’s resources including but not limited to money or income on a regular basis to support and facilitate the activities of the community one belongs to, whether a church, a nuclear family, an association, or any group.

You may choose to give (not pay) a tenth (tithe) or any percentage or portion you decide in your heart. 

You don’t pay God on a ten-percent commission basis. Even the biblical Old Testament tithe was for Levitical priests and for human beings not for God.

God doesn’t eat livestock and agricultural produce. Even if He did, He wouldn’t need to ask you. He has them in abundance. He created them all. God also doesn’t need money. Humans on Earth created money and need money to facilitate their activities on this present and passing Earth. 

Cheerful and generous giving is the heart or spirit and lifestyle of a true child of God. 

Believers do not give to double or multiply their money or secure other benefits from God. 

They give in love, honor and as worship to the Lord in wholehearted gratitude and desire to support the work of God and to help meet the needs of people. 

It is a great blessing to be given to but it is an even greater blessing to give. 

Giving is the nature and characteristic of God and God’s people. 

Giving is a function of Love. God is Love.

You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. 

Anyone that can’t freely give or share what they have does not genuinely love.

Man or woman, boy or girl, everyone can give something. Time, words of encouragement, acts of service, referrals, recommendations, information, networks, any form of support. 

Giving is not limited to money. 

Generosity is a spirit or a nature.

It is a person’s character or personality.

It is a fruit of Love, which is an intentional and consistent action not an erratic feeling and not mere talk saying you love without really loving.

As the Scripture says: “Love not in words but in actions.” Meaning: don’t just say you love, let it show in your actions because love is an action word.

Back to tithes, in the Old Testament, the mandatory tithe had its place as a taxation system having different categories and guidelines. 

Before the Law of Moses, the tithe was not obligatory, recurrent and generic but voluntary and momentary and personal, as in the case of Abraham. You can even call it situational tithing.

From historical records, we read that the tithe was an ancient cultural practice even amongst the heathen. It was a universal act of the earliest nations and even pagans and idol worshippers, giving the tenth part or portion in honor, support and appreciation to a cause, endeavor or person. Pagan tithe money was used to maintain holy shrines and support the priests. 

Even an organized crime group (mafia) that collects what they call protection money or protection fee from people “determines an affordable or reasonable fee by negotiating with each of its payers, to ensure that each payer can pay the fee on a regular basis and on time.” (Wikipedia)

In organized religion, a mandatory monetary tithe has been given a sacred and hallowed place. The tithe payers are accorded special recognition and special prayers. Only those whose spiritual understanding has been opened can see this a mammon enthronement. 

Some say the ten-percent is on everything received and some say it is on the gross income while others say it is on the net income. Ten-percent is a non-negotiable law demanded from memebers with the fear of divine sanctions of so-called devorers when it is not strictly adhered to. The Malachi narrative has not been clearly understood in its context.

In the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, tithing is not a doctrine. Believers have the liberty under the guidance and generosity of the Spirit to give as much as they can give in love for God and others.

Tithe simply means “the tenth part”. It is not a mystical key to unlock any so-called mystery of covenant wealth. 

However, if the heart of a person is genuinely and wholeheartedly committed to giving, then it is only right and beneficial if God channels more resources to such a person because they will use it to serve His purposes of being a blessing to the Church (believers) and people in general in different ways, thus being a little human reflection of God’s great love, goodness and compassion. All this is to the glory of God. 



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