When you call a smart businessman with a big religious organization a “father of faith”, you ins#lt Christ and His Body. 

Referring to a spiritually d€ad man or at best a spiritually infantile or immature person as a spiritual father in the faith which is in Christ? 

Do you know Christ? Do you understand what the faith is all about? Obviously not. 

Same things Christ refuted in the Pharisees and warned this Disciples against are the things they in the so-called Christian faith have brought back, put on a pedestal and made centre stage. 

They are in err0r. 

You have been taught and indoctrinated wrongly. 

That is not the Body of Christ. 

Those are not fathers of faith. 

No! Most of them are £vil, carnal, shrewd, ambitious, clever, w!cked, insecur€, v€ngeful, vain, vici0us, greedy, proud, self!sh, controlling, man.ipulative, spiritually ignorant and d!abolical men. 

You have been f00led. 

Don’t take my word for it. Go do your diligent search with a pure heart that truly wants to see God and is not afraid to know the truth. 

But if you have a lot to loose in this world in this transient life, then you may be tempted to hold onto this life and you have chosen rather to loose Christ and His truth whilst d€ceiving yourself that He will somehow change His standards for you because you have done a lot in His name and you have done it for so long a time. 

Truthfully, you’re wr0ng and are in for a rud€ shock. 

These words are true. Not an attack. Not a criticism. 

It’s scriptural discovery or diagnosis. Don’t be prejudiced. 

Think, study and research objectively. God willing, you too should come to the same findings. 

It’s based on biblical fact. 

It’s all based on the TRUE CHRIST.






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