There is nothing as dangerous and devilish as lots of theological knowledge but zero Spiritual Life and Christlikeness.

This is likened to the action of Satan himself in the wilderness, in his quoting of and twisting Scripture to Christ Himself. 

This is also the sad religious reality of many vocational or professional clergymen who may have been highly trained in religious systems to preach and teach on countless theological topics and themes with expertise, and to competently conduct or officiate weddings, funerals and religious ceremonies but do not have the True Christ living actively in their hearts and souls, by His Spirit correcting, convicting, comforting and conforming them to the image and likeness of Christ the Lord and King.

This is what Satan desired, sought, asked and pleaded to do with Peter but Christ intercepted it by His Gracious Power and Prayer for Peter. 

This is what Satan has done, is doing and will continue to do with the perceived and presumed power, position, mien, memorial and modus operandi of Peter within and with the Babylonian or mammoth religious system (let him that reads understand) till the End.

Here, Satan hides and thrives.

Here, Satan impersonates The Christ.

Here, Satan rules and reigns fully and freely through False Christs and False Prophets or False Religions.

This is why I said what I said.

Grace be multiplied to God’s People. His Elect shall be delivered from this gross darkness and deception like Peter was made to stand strong and boldly for Christ before multitudes in the public even after denying Christ sheepishly before little maids and men in private. Selah!

Grace and Shalom to all God’s Elect!





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