The wise seek to know the meaning and reason.
A simple example: if you tell a person that they are not consistent or faithful in a given endeavor but you leave it at that, you have only provided a pseudo feedback or observation but you have not told them why it is important to be consistent and faithful.
You have not provided the far-reaching benefits, reasons, purpose, vision, drive or true (inner or internal) motivation for such admirable action or beneficial behavior to be sustained intelligently and intentionally, with discipline and dedication regardless of external circumstances or exterior conditions.
When they know the benefits, they will be sold on giving or getting (done) the project, product or service.
If they are self-centred, self-catering or, better still, seeking a particular individual goal or personal outcome, then personal benefits will obviously and readily appeal more to them.
However, if they seek a higher purpose outside themselves to serve the Purpose of God in their generation, then mundane benefits or personal agenda will not be much of an attraction to them but rather the salvation of souls, the spiritual growth of believers in the knowledge of the truth and the building up of true Christians into greater Christlikeness.
These are the greater WHY’s that drive a genuine, God-fearing and humanity-loving heart.
This is the truly noble reason, greater meaning and godly motivation that any human can have.
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