The child of God deeply cares about people. 

We are not heartless or without compassion. Never. That’s not typical of a true Believer. 

Infact, we love too much to not tell the truth. 

Or to keep mute when fellow humans are heading ignorantly in the wrong direction.

We can’t be jesting as people are perishing. 

What if that was us, or our close loved ones?

We understand standing for and speaking out for the Truth is a ba.ttle and a rescue mission not a mere circus show for our own amusement and entertainment as is rife in Vanity Fair.

We see exactly what is being done in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is dis@strous.

Moreso, we are under dutiful obligation to put forth the light and share the truth of God to all.

We do it from the outflow of the love and mercy that God has so graciously lavished on us, even in bringing His light into our darkness.

Matter of fact, without God’s love, we too would mindlessly partake and profit from the lucrative lies of r0gue religion. But no, there’s more to life than self-centered aggrandizement.

What shall it ultimately benefit any human being to amass good fortune in this passing world and this transient life but lose their precious soul in the life that is to come, where it matters most!

To stand up for truth in a time of massive or widespread falseh00d and decepti0n is to literally lay down one’s life for what is right. 

It is not for the faint of heart nor for those who don’t truly know and love the Lord Jesus Christ.

However, we do not do things solely because of people but “as to the Lord”, because He is!

As humans amongst humans, we already know that people will continue to be people inspite of all our God-given gifts and abilities; and there are variables that can affect people in different ways at different times and seasons of life. 

So we have managed, and shall be managing, our own expectations with regards to that. 

We’re here to do our bit in time as Eternity awaits all men born into the Earth. 

We will be misunderst00d and malign£d. It’s all part of the process and cost to be counted. 

We may even falter along the way but by His divine power we are “more than conquerors”. 

We keep growing and improving every single day, navigating through the p@in and pleasure of terrestrial experiences common to all men, doing our best to keep it simple and sustainable.

It’s been one h£ll of a ride (you don’t want to know) but God is ever faithful and true.

We will inevitably personally make some human err0rs in our judgment but truth is sacrosanct. 

We are all about denying our selves, taking up our cross to follow Him who di€d to save us.

Multiplied grace to everyone speaking the truth that saves souls, especially eternally. 

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May the peace of God be with your spirit.


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