
Showing posts from 2022


  PLEASE LISTEN TO THE GOSPEL God is Holy, Holy, Holy.  God created the Heaven and the Earth. God created Man to manage the Earth. All that God created was good.  God gave Man a commandment. Man sinned (disobeyed God's command).  This sin (disobedience or transgression of God's law of life) had great consequences. Man fell from Glory, from Divine Nature. Evil and wickedness entered the world.  The knowledge or experience of good and evil. To end this, God will destroy the present world. Sin ultimately resulted in Disease and Death.  Man, as created, was never to be ill or to die. Now, Man's physical body dies and his eternal soul is heading to everlasting damnation.  That's the bad news.  But the good news is that God had a solution.  God came as Man in the person of "Jesus". To pay the ultimate price of death that took the penalty of sin for His Bride, the Elect of God, thus revealing "The Father" in Love, in Grace. "Jesus Christ", God in ...


  They did unspeakable and unimaginable things to me, not just a fellow human but one who had been good to them. I smiled and forgave them. You think I’m a fool? Do you really think forgiveness is foolishness? Or is it Christlikeness and goodness?  Can a human being forgive such? Is there not a Spirit that causes such? Anyways, they did me great harm... Unspeakable and unimaginable things... I did them good, and more good... They paid and repaid me evil for good... I smiled and forgave them... They laughed and scorned... They rejoiced at my fall... They arranged my losses... I smiled and kept walking... They titled and tagged me fool... They taunted and tested me badly... They used my pain to “catch cruise”... They flipped my story to crack up... I smiled and blessed them... They ate from the hand then bit the hand... They plundered and told others to plunder... They fed fat on me and laughed as I grew thin... They increased but plotted my decrease... They blatantly lied yet s...


  It's a fact the unlearned in truth are oblivious to. Many 'preachers of the Gospel', so-called, do not ever preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The thrust of their message lies in achieving fame and fortune or attaining a so-called level of "greatness" as defined by the world system. When you know the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will realise that those are not true ministers of the Gospel of Christ.  It will be clear to you.  A minister whose messages are not centred on Christ -- His work on the Cross and His work in the Believer's life -- is not doing the work of a true minister of Christ, and is thus inaccurate in terms of Divine Truth and working amiss in the area of spiritual ministry which he professes. Regardless of his popularity or wealth, he may just be a "businessman" in religious trade or, better still, a "motivational/life coach" trying to help people succeed in their material life; the latter is not a ba...


  And I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear the causes between your brethren, and judge righteously between every man and his brother, and the stranger that is with him. Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it." Deuteronomy 1:16,17 "Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour." Leviticus 19:15 "My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors." James 2:1,8,9 "...


  JUST BUSINESS? Come to the marketplace. Exchange (give and receive) goods or services at a price. Go home.  That's business, right? But what happens when... The business owners create or stimulate the illness in the customer so they can sell, up-sell or cross-sell their wellness cure to them, but never fully solve their problem or create other problems for them while solving the problem they came with, so as to keep them by hook or crook as a perpetual customer who is being manipulated, confused and hoodwinked into a false sense of happiness, wellbeing, prestige, comfort, convenience, relief, being well taken care of or getting value for money but unaware of the hidden opportunistic motives of the marketer, merchandiser or seller of the goods or services being patronized by the customer.   This is a trade secret of many deceitful deals and such manipulations in merchandising. This they selfishly and foolishly do at the ignored risk of losing a customer and any line of b...


  Except the Lord builds, they build in vain... Except the Lord saves, they save in vain... Except the Lord births, their religion is void. Eternal Salvation is THE gift of God.  The gift of all gifts from the Savior of souls. Resurrection unto Life is in Christ.  Purchased and covenanted by His Blood. That fallen, damned souls shall be saved. That dead men shall have Everlasting Life. That sinners are justified to be saints. And the justified, glorified in God's Kingdom. Those who have received this incredible gift... Will be eternally grateful for this Grace. For surely not everyone shall be saved.  Matter of fact, narrow is the gate. Difficult is the way that leads to life. Few find it. Yes, very few enter in. Don't be surprised at the herd iniquity.  Or mass and commonplace wickedness.  When you see people toy with eternity... When you see them 'play smart' on God... Weep for them, be moved with compassion. Don't be angry for they can't help themselves....


  As the Lord is sanctifying His people from all forms of remaining sin (sins of the body, of the heart and unrenewed mindsets), sanctification or spiritual growth is not exclusively about sin (known/obvious sins and inner sins of the heart).  One great work God is doing these last days in His True Church corporately and individually is purifying or sanctifying His Elect from the present gross impurity in doctrine : the mixture of Christian theology with all kinds of extra-biblical beliefs, teachings, worldviews and practices including New Age  concepts, Mysticism, Metaphysics, traditional religions, man-made philosophy and  such pollutions contrary to sound doctrine or spiritual truth that is in Christ alone . The Lord Jesus Christ is washing and cleansing His Bride in readiness for His Imminent Return so that He will present Her to Himself glorious. "...that He might sanctify the church, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word [of God], so tha...


  As children of God, we should never toy with sin for any reason. There is no excuse valid enough to cause believers in Christ to turn astray from the path of righteousness into the paths of unrighteousness.  Furthermore, we must be particularly watchful of the "little foxes that spoil the vine". Those careless moments of idle talk, little lies, dirty jokes, provocative entertainment, unwholesome company and private folly where one lets down their guard and unknowingly permits sin to gradually creep into their soul.  Strangely, we begin to tolerate, excuse, rationalise and even justify the foolish practice of intermittent sin. We confess to God, ask for forgiveness but never consecrate and repent fully thus shutting the door to sin and cutting off from every form of evil affiliation.  Eventually, a careless pattern of sinful behavior is slowly developed that may lead one further downhill into unwanted, unforeseen and hugely regrettable bondage or addiction of sorts....


  Surely, false religion has no true solution for the sinner because it lacks the Gospel of Christ, which is "the power of God unto salvation". False religion when commercialised focuses on marketing strategies to grow its enterprise. Many gimmicks are deployed and a lot of false narratives are concocted and sold to create the illusory "signs" of God's approval or presence. Many gigantic religious empires are empty of the Substance and Spirit of the Lord Jesus. They are simply empires created to promote men using religion. Impostors who use the precious name of Jesus for their selfish ambitions of acquiring fame and fortune. They reject, ridicule or run away from people who really need the greatest help, souls who need grace and salvation, who need Christ. They present and pose with the pseudo perfect personality who can act as poster child for their religious business brand. This will give them a good reputation before the world, attract more customers and thus...


  What creature is more eternally dangerous and damning than a so-called but false preacher... Who does not truly care about the eternal destination of souls who come to him as a servant of God or come to his church as a place for the Gospel of eternal salvation. Who deceives people that they are saved by repeating or reciting some words after him. Who doesn't nurture them in Christlikeness.  Who doesn't prepare them for Christ's coming.  Who doesn't care if they end up in the Lake of Fire. Who takes advantage of the disadvantaged. Who becomes rich by feeding off the poor. Who scams gullible and desperate people by telling them that their financial prosperity is dependent on their continual giving to him and that they will eventually become rich by giving their money to him in increasing proportions. Who uses the sick to advertise himself as a great healer yet leaves them sick in silence. Who controls and manipulates people with fear of his hateful and horrifying curses...


  I forgive you.. Don't fear me... But fear the Ultimate Avenger! ******* Just because I forgive does not mean people can do me intentional wrong and go scout free.  Pitiful jokers... No, there's no vacuum in life. So what part of "Vengeance is Mine, says the LORD, I will repay" do they not understand? Please don't fear me. We are all sinful men. But fear God. Are you listening? Again I say, FEAR GOD.  He is no respecter of men's persons. He only has respect for His principles.  Selah! That's why no matter who you are, pauper or prince, prophetess or prostitute, old or young, colored or Caucasian... If you sow apple seeds, then apple fruits shall you shall reap. Apples. Not pineapples. It's that precise. If you jump from a height without a flying or landing device, gravity will take care of your physical mass (body) without hesitation or reservation. If you don't fear the Almighty but you fear human beings who don't forgive or who are wicked, w...


  Love your enemies? Why?  Jesus said so. Reason enough. But if you still wonder why... Or if you need some other "good reason"... Oh well, you may need to reckon it as loving yourself... How? Because sometimes, in the final analysis and in the true sense or essence of the word, you and I may be found to be our own worst enemies, in shortchanging, shortselling or sabotaging our very own selves, mostly unawares, through our "counterproductive characteristics". May God give you understanding.  An honest self-examination is thus pertinent. Are you not your own enemy? Are you not undermining yourself? Are you not part of your own undoing? Do you not have contrary or corrupted attitudes and actions that militate against your physical or spiritual life and growth or progression? To which I say, selah (pause and ponder)... Think... Before you pray for all your enemies to die. Rethink... For you, friend, may be your own enemy. #selahsayings #KingdomFirst  #LightOfLife


  Heaven! The greatest and purest joys…! Who and who will be there?  God knows! HEAVEN!  Utter bliss! Complete joy! The Everlasting Kingdom of Heaven.  The Domain of Righteousness. Place of Perfection and Absolute Truth. Eternal Civilization of Total Peace and Purity. What perfect delight! What ultimate joy! What endless thrill, matchless bliss! The greatest and purest joy ever to be known. Surprisingly, loved ones united forever.  Those who God chose for Himself.  His Peculiar Treasure, purchased by Blood. Pleasant surprises for the Lord's Bride. Deep and unending ecstasy and glory.   No more pain, sorrow, death or decay.  No more suffering, danger or uncertainty. No error or evil of any kind whatsoever.  The Height of Perfection and Completion.  Redeemed and Restored Humanity.  Recreated in True Christlikeness. Face to face with the Lord Jesus.  Nothing is too much to give up for this. Earthly life and possessions are nothing...


The Church is the Body of Christ. We become members of His Body by being born again not by writing an application letter to be a member or filling out a membership form. If we are truly “in Christ”, then we are members of His Body, which is the True Church of Jesus Christ. Thus, we are partakers of His Life , united in His Spirit , having one Hope , one Faith and one Lord . The True Church is the Body of Christ. True Church Membership is being “in Christ”. One may fill out a form and be recognized as a member of a religious denomination yet not be a true member of the Body of Christ, the Church, if they are not truly in Christ, having been born of the Spirit , regenerated , having spiritual life. There is one Body , one Spirit and one God . Selah. *******  “For just as we have many parts in one body and all the body’s parts do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually parts of one another.” Romans 12:4-5 “Therefore I, the prisoner...


  “Come now, even now!” JESUS IS REAL.  Beyond, dead religion.  Beyond counterfeit Christianity. Beyond the spiritually lifeless systems of men who want and work to appear good to men but do not know how intrinsically unlike Christ (whom they claim to worship or represent) they are. The spiritually dead do not know the way of the Spirit, and no matter how decorated to men are dead to God, no matter how educated yet lack spiritual enlightenment and empowerment or enrichment from the Spirit of the LORD. Religion is hypocritical, manipulative, vengeful, self-driven, man-originated, flesh-motivated, ungracious, cultlike, men-pleasing, spiritually empty, truly false and indeed spiritually dead. Righteousness is true, pure-hearted, genuine, godly, humble, meek, gentle, wholesome, God-pleasing, Spirit-led, gracious, merciful, forgiving, encouraging, real, honest, Christlike, fruitful, selfless, and truly spiritually alive. To God be the glory for His great love! Amen, amen. #sel...


  Truth is life… Just as there is the true Christ and false Christs. Just as there is the true gospel of Jesus Christ and false gospels of earthly glory or doctrines of devils. There is also the true Church (Body of Christ) and false churches (man’s religious systems). Similarly, there is true unity in the Spirit between genuine believers who have spiritual life versus false unity mechanically set up in the flesh by religious men as a ‘unifying’ system.  Every biblical principle has a counterfeit version. Including the core Doctrines God’s Free Grace, Salvation, Justification and Glorification. The Gospel has been, and is being, manipulated for selfish purposes by the two dangerous religious extremes: legalism and libertism. Legalism refers  to false salvation based on human works of any kind. Libertism refers to false grace that justifies and accommodates sinful conduct. Scriptural truth is being twisted and distorted. Don’t be alarmed. Rather be alert. A major sign of t...


  The religious mind says: Shut up, let us be. Who told you it is a different Jesus? As far as we call him “Lord” and sing to him “Lord, Lord”, he will bless us on earth and let us enter Heaven. After all, we “love” him that’s why we sing with our hearts (aka emotions) to him and we confess him with our mouths (aka our mouth confession). Okay. But do you know Him? Do you even want to know Him? Do you read the Bible to know what He likes, what He wants, what He says you should do?  Or you’re only concerned about what He will do for you? Is He your Lord , meaning, you submit to His commands and instructions, and that you are living to please Him in the practical aspects of your life and even in how you relate with others?  Beyond obvious sin, is your heart being purged of selfishness, greed, deceit, pride, envy, bitterness, strife, competition and self-love (aka self-worship). Are you being genuinely, deeply and progressively transformed to the image and likeness of Christ ...