What creature is more eternally dangerous and damning than a so-called but false preacher...

Who does not truly care about the eternal destination of souls who come to him as a servant of God or come to his church as a place for the Gospel of eternal salvation.

Who deceives people that they are saved by repeating or reciting some words after him.

Who doesn't nurture them in Christlikeness. 

Who doesn't prepare them for Christ's coming. 

Who doesn't care if they end up in the Lake of Fire.

Who takes advantage of the disadvantaged.

Who becomes rich by feeding off the poor.

Who scams gullible and desperate people by telling them that their financial prosperity is dependent on their continual giving to him and that they will eventually become rich by giving their money to him in increasing proportions.

Who uses the sick to advertise himself as a great healer yet leaves them sick in silence.

Who controls and manipulates people with fear of his hateful and horrifying curses, as well as fear of disasters, demons, diseases or death.

Who secretly plots and conspires great harm and mischief on any who he feels offended by.

Who is deeply enraged by any presentation of Scriptural truth contrary to his unbiblical talk.

Who boasts of material means and might.

Who intimidates and oppresses fellow humans with his money and socioeconomic might.

Who uses (paid) ungodly mercenaries to carry out covert operations and wicked acts for him.

Who activates blind loyalists to fight or foil real and perceived opposition or manually fulfil his satanic pronouncement: manipulated prophesy.

Who courts the biggest names in the ministry that money can afford to purchase or pursue clout of sorts and relevance by association. 

Who deeply desires to be extremely wealthy and influential through the dominance of his religious trade as a multi-million or multi-billion personal business empire aimed at market monopoly.

Who is obsessed with reputation, popularity, fame, money, being revered and regarded as the greatest and biggest personality around.

Who is an aberration to true spiritual ministry. 

Who is antithetical to the true Christ of God.

Beware of such dangerous and deadly folks...

sent and sponsored by Satan to deceive many. 

The Lord Jesus is coming and will judge them.

The True Christ will punish all false preachers.

He will judge them sorely, yes severely.

I can't hate them. I won't harm them.

I can and will only pity them...

(Even though they are merciless). 

I've seen their end. I mean eternal. 

Their judgment will be severe.

Mark these words.

Avoid them.





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