It's a fact the unlearned in truth are oblivious to.

Many 'preachers of the Gospel', so-called, do not ever preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The thrust of their message lies in achieving fame and fortune or attaining a so-called level of "greatness" as defined by the world system.

When you know the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will realise that those are not true ministers of the Gospel of Christ. 

It will be clear to you. 

A minister whose messages are not centred on Christ -- His work on the Cross and His work in the Believer's life -- is not doing the work of a true minister of Christ, and is thus inaccurate in terms of Divine Truth and working amiss in the area of spiritual ministry which he professes.

Regardless of his popularity or wealth, he may just be a "businessman" in religious trade or, better still, a "motivational/life coach" trying to help people succeed in their material life; the latter is not a bad idea but his identity should be clear and not mistaken for clergy, pastor or spiritual shepherd. Many take on the pastoral title because of the kind of awe and respect it commands, the control or dominance over the lives of many people it bequeaths and of course the economic security it establishes or financial rewards it provides through many channels of obligatory and voluntary giving of monetary resources by many religious faithfuls. 

Most of the teachings from many so-called "Christian" pulpits, which claim to represent Christ and should thus speak the counsel of God revealed in the Holy Bible, are more of personal stories or cleverly crafted and high sounding words of human reasoning which promote Mammon as the cherished idol of the heart and which stimulate the pursuit of everything earthly, without putting forth the clear message of the Gospel, without teaching sound biblical truths that help strengthen the Believer's walk with God, and without genuine focus on what the Church of God, the Body of Christ, should really be about. Most so-called churches have truly become social circuses and showbusiness concerts hosted, co-hosted and co-attended by people who do not truly know who Christ is and who His Church is. It is a tragedy of eternal proportions. 

I wondered why anyone who knows and has the Gospel will not be engulfed and obsessed by it, or will not constantly give it the preeminence it solely deserves as the central thrust and theme of their sermons or speeches, until I realised that those who do not do this actually do not know and have the Gospel. They simply don't. 

That's it. Puzzle solved. 

If they do not give it, they do not have it.

If they do not teach it, they do not know it.

The Gospel of Christ is that compelling. 

So no need to wonder anymore. 

Just know who to listen to or give attention to.

Depending on who you are. 

"My sheep hear my voice."

Those who are His will know Him.

God's Elect whom He has called to salvation by predestination will supernaturally be compelled by Him to respond to the great call of salvation.

Those who seek to know Him will be consumed with the real desire to hear Him and Him alone.

They will come out of the worldly church.

They will come out of the world system.

They will not be controlled or manipulated by it.

But those who cherish and chase perishables will go to those who peddle (and plunder, yes, plunder their) perishables. Priests of Mammon.

So I say: each student, his teacher. 

Each preacher, his pulpit.

Each stomach, its food.

Each tree, its fruit.

Each master, his disciples. 

Each destination, its path.

Those who follow Him will not follow a falsie. 

To God be the praise and glory forever more.






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